Learning for Life Awards - TERM 4
Term 4: This term we are focusing on PERSISTENCE To persist is to continue to try and to be determined. Being persistent calls on self-belief, hope and courage. This allows us to be determined and to have a strong purpose in what we do.
Congratulations to the following students:
Learning For Life Awards
Term 4: Weeks 3 & 4
Assembly: Friday 25th October
Teacher | Grade | Student 1: | Student 2: |
Miss Hercus
| Prep BH | Wesley G - for showing persistence in his learning and always being receptive to feedback. | Zoe C - for always being persistent and dedicated to her learning. |
Mrs Adams
| Prep MA | Rosie H - for showing persistence to focus on her learning and keep trying her best. | Zacca S - for showing a persistent approach to all tasks and trying his best to challenge himself. |
Mrs Stephenson & Miss Robertson | Prep RS | Oliver B - for persisting through challenges and approaching his learning with enthusiasm. | Stella B - for taking on challenges and showing persistence when practising her reading and writing skills. |
Miss Angliss
| 1/2EA | Tybius S - For showing persistence during our writing tasks this week. Great work! | Eleanor G - For showing persistence when making rainbows during our Science Works excursion. Great job! |
Mr Czarnuch
| 1/2MC | Crispin M - for demonstrating persistence when completing his reading activities. | Lucy G - for being persistent when writing a super narrative. |
Miss Hamilton | 1/2KH | Eugenie L - for demonstrating persistence to achieve a high standard in all areas of her learning. | Millie C - for displaying a persistent attitude to achieving her learning goals. |
Mrs Gilham & Mrs McLaren
| 1/2MG | Erin B - for the wonderful persistence she shows in her work. | Oxford W - for the persistence he is showing with his handwriting. |
Mr Perrott | 1/2RP | ||
Mrs Eddy | 3CE
| Jayden H - for having a positive persistent attitude when improving his explanation report. | Marnie V - for showing great determination with her learning. |
Mr Osbourne | 3JO | Molly D - for displaying a persistent attitude towards her learning. | Oliver P - for displaying a persistent attitude when approaching challenging learning tasks. |
Mr Cole | 4JC | Levi D - for his persistence in reading and giving his best effort. | Tilly U - for her persistence in getting on with her learning even with a broken thumb! |
Mrs Jelenko | 4KJ | Atti F - for his persistence in all areas of his learning. | Clemmie S - for her continued persistence with challenges when they arrive. |
Mrs Walsh | 4SW | Charlie C - for demonstrating persistence in all areas of her learning. | Paddy K - for showing a persistent attitude towards improving his learning. |
Mrs Stynes | 5JS | Harvey Y - for demonstrating determination and persistence to challenge himself with mathematics. Well done. | Isabella C - For listening, taking on feedback and working towards her learning goals with quiet determination! Well done. |
Ms Wieland
| 5MW | Piper B - For displaying persistence across all areas of the curriculum, particularly in Maths, where she enters the learning pit and doesn't give up. | Henry M - For persisting in the use of strategies to achieve a win in a BODMAS game. |
Miss Hultgren | 6EH | Matthew C - for displaying persistence and resilience during various activities during our Grade 6 camp, particularly during the giant swing. | Harrison Z - For displaying persistence and overcoming his fear of heights during our Grade 6 camp. |
Mr Shaw | 6JS | Lily A - For showing a persistent attitude with our recent camp activities - giving everything a red hot go! | Harry G - For persisting on with his learning right from the first day back from his recent family adventure! Welcome back! |