👒Hats During Term 4👒
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please be aware that as the weather continues to warm up, students must wear their school hats for the duration of Term 4. These can be purchased via Noone Imagewear at 162 Moorabool St.
Please ensure your child/ren's hats are named along with their class.
This means from the commencement of Term 4 students who do not bring a hat to school will be directed to play in a shaded or undercover area.
We look forward to a sun-smart Term 4!
✍️Absence Notes on Compass ✍️
Dear Chilwell Families,
We’ve noticed an increase in student absences due to holidays and other reasons. Please remember to record these absences through the Compass portal by visiting your child's profile and selecting 'Add Attendance Note.'
You can choose from options like 'family holiday' or 'medical/illness' from the drop-down menu, and add any additional details if needed. Both the classroom teacher and office will have access to this information.
For absences related to school activities, please call the office at (03) 5221 2738 so we can note this without affecting your child's attendance percentage.
Thank you in advance!
-Admin Team