MHiPS - Wellbeing Upda

Wellbeing update
I can not believe that it is already Term 4!
It is a time of great excitement and celebration for our grade 6s as they begin their official transition into Secondary Schooling. However, for some, this can be worrying and stressful as they are required to adapt to new environments and expectations. Successful transition is vital to the development of students a sense of belonging, connectedness and academic self-competence, as well as to the prevention of potential anti-social behaviours and mental health issues.
The grade 6 teaching team work closely with all the secondary schools our students head off to, in order to implement a smooth transition program. This is coupled with classroom activities that address some of the common concerns.
The link below will take you to the Life Ed website which has resources that you can utilise to support your child at home.
I hope all our grade 6s enjoy their time at their transition days at their new secondary school. If you require any further support please reach out to one of the grade 6 teachers or myself.
Catherine Bijker