Teaching and Learning

Melbourne Cup Day Extravaganza
What a wonderful day we had on Tuesday. It was great to see our students and staff dressed as though they were heading to the Melbourne Cup. The students participated in a range of Literacy and Numeracy Activities based around the theme of Melbourne Cup Day. The highlight of the day was the running of the Inaugural Raywood Cup- held out on our new riding track. The students were given a cup runner as part of our sweep and then "fashioned" a horse from a pool noodle and other materials. We then raced our horses to determine a winner.
News from Miss Duffy in Prep-2
The P-2 students have weekly spelling words that typically focus on a letter group or sounds that pre-assessments have indicated they require focused instruction and practise with. The students are each provided with words to learn at school and at home after receiving teaching instruction about the typical "rules" for these sounds. We also engage in daily spelling activities which are varied each day in order to consolidate our learning and keep students engaged. One of the students favourite activities is using the magnetic letters to make their words (keeping the vowels and consonants in different colours). Below are some photos of the students making their words last week.
Art News
As part of our modeling unit (and related to our Integrated Studies theme of Water) the students created Coral Reefs last week in Visual Arts. These underwater creations are made from poly-balls, magiclay, patty pans, wire and pipe-cleaners. This week we began working with clay and the students are making pufferfish.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
It’s been a fabulous MARC year, with lots of books read, borrowed and enjoyed. So that the end of year stocktake can be completed our last borrowing day at Raywood will be;
Thursday 14th November
This gives students 2 more visits to make sure all books are returned for the year. I will have a little thank you prize for students who return all books.