From the Office

News From the Principal
Phone Service
We have recently had difficulty getting any mobile phone service within our main building (not that it has ever been great). We have discovered that the booster that is installed ran on 3G technology and since Telstra have turned off the 3G signal, our booster is no longer working. We are looking at getting a new booster installed in the coming weeks. Please use the landline to ring during school hours if you have to give us a message- otherwise you run the risk of us not getting it until we drive home. We are also looking at getting a school mobile phone (naturally once we have the signal issue sorted) and this will be for families and community to send messages as well as for us to use on camps and excursions. Once we have this phone and it is operational we will supply our families with the number.
A reminder that our school landline number is 54 361392 and messages can be left on the answering machine outside of school hours or when there is no one available to take the call (ie during sessions where we are all outside).
Bike Track Fun
We have the scooters and the safety gear, so the track is well and truly open for business. Our students have had great fun and lunch time "cutting laps" around the track. A huge thank you to Bree who organised the ordering and pick up of the scooters and safety gear and to Hayden who spent a lot of time building the scooters (who knew they would come disassembled?) and engraving them. Our next project is to build a shed to store all of our gear in with easy access to our track. We also hope to organise some line marking for the track.
Book Fair
Our book fair only has two more days to run (today and Friday). Thank you to those families and community members who have supported this event. By hosting this event we are able to select books that we can add to our school library, but most importantly... promote reading and literacy.
Graduation and End of Year Celebration
Families and community members would have received an invitation and information about out end of year celebration. This year we have decided to combine our Year Six Graduation with and end of year (Christmas) break up for our school community. Last year we held the event locally (at the hall) and we had every family represented as well as lots of relatives and friends of our school- we would love it if we could do the same this year. There is a "secret" element to this year's event and we ask that families not inform their children about this so as not to spoil it for everyone else. Any questions about this event can be directed to Lisa or Bree and payments can be made either online or directly to the office.
Please note- the following are Student Free Days for Term 4
- Wednesday December 4th- Teachers will take this day to finalise assessments and write student reports.
- Don't forget that our final day of term is Friday December 20th. Students will be dismissed at 1:20pm on this day (therefore the bus will run two hours ahead of schedule).
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
Message from Bree in the office
Audrey Felini is collecting clean, empty Mini M&M tubes from now until October. If you have any, please send them to school. These will be used for our end of the year Christmas sessions that Audrey runs for our students.