Message from the
School Principal
Mrs Kaylene Carlin
Message from the
School Principal
Mrs Kaylene Carlin
Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
Recently, our School Advisory Chair person, Hamish George, attended a Melbourne Catholic Professionals luncheon for School Advisory Council Chairs. At the luncheon, Sr Mary Sarah Galbraith spoke on the topic of ‘What is a Catholic School?
Sr Mary Sarah described Catholic schools as:
'....a place of authority and guidance, love and inspiration and hope and assurance. It is the sound of children singing, the alphabet, the Sanctus, the school song. It is the deafening pitch of their voices the moment students beat their teachers in – anything! It is icy poles and doughnut Fridays. It is a smiling face smeared with fairy floss. It is garden flowers wrapped in paper and foil for a much-loved teacher... It is the tiny finger of a child moving across the page as letters become sounds and sounds become words, words take on meaning, and life is never the same again.’
I would like to personally thank Hamish for his tireless work in representing Sacred Heart at events such as these. Hamish's dedication and commitment to Sacred Heart school, families and children is to be commended and I am very grateful for his positivity and support in representing the families of Sacred Heart in many ways. Thank you, Hamish.
You will see below that I am currently seeking Expressions of Interest for the School Advisory Council moving into 2025. I strongly encourage those of you who have in interest in this aspect of school life to consider being a part of the SAC. See below for more details
Kaylene Carlin
What is the School Advisory Council?
School Advisory Councils (SAC) are advisory bodies which form an important expression of the educational partnership that exists between parents, schools, parishes and the wider community to support all students.
The SAC provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent voice and perspective are available to influence the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount.
More specifically, the role of the School Advisory Council includes:
When: The meetings are on Tuesdays at 6.30pm in the staffroom and the dates for next year are as follows: 4th March, 29th April, 17th June, 12th August, 14th October & 25th November.
There is currently one position available on the School Advisory Council and I strongly encourage you to put your hand up to join the group. All are welcome!
If there is more than one expression of interest, there will be a selection process as per the MACS guidelines for the operation of School Advisory Councils.
Please email Kaylene at with your Expression of Interest or if you have any questions.
It is that time of the year when we start to think about class groupings for the coming year. It is a complex process and one that we take very seriously. There are many factors to be considered when grouping children together including friendship groupings, the learning needs of the students and influences students have one another. As parents/carers, you know your child best and, at times, have had conversations with your child about school that we are not privy to. If you believe there is information that we may not be aware of, please do not hesitate to email your child's teacher, Erin or myself and we will acknowledge your concerns or requests. Whilst we cannot accommodate all requests, we will always ensure your thoughts are considered in the decision making process.