Week 7 Podcast : Annekas spilt milk excursion
What a crazy term this has been for Year Two! Our clever brains tried to convince our teachers that we deserve a three-day weekend in our Persuasive Big Write. Wouldn't that be nice? A three day weekend to explore, relax and not have any school work!
We continue exploring minibeasts in Science and learning how to tell the difference between a bug and an insect. Did you know that all bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs?
In PDH we are learning how to collaborate in small groups and trying really hard to aim to be a 'cog' and not a 'log' or 'hog. These social skills will help us throughout our lives working in group settings and also within the class too.
In Sport, we have had the chance to do some fun drills and skills to help explore touch football. On top of this we are eagerly preparing our dance routine to blow you all away at Presentation Night. We are working hard to refine our dancing skills and finish off the year; ready for Year 3.
This term Year 3 read the novel ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E.B. White. We created our own spider webs using paddle pop sticks and wool. We have decided that Charlotte was much better at weaving than we were. As we read the book we had to answer questions about the text and we did lots of visualising of what each of the characters looked like. We then watched the movie and did a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the movie and the book. We especially loved Templeton in the movie and noticed that in the movie there were some very funny crows who were tricked by a scarecrow. They were not in the book.