Uniform Shop

I hope everyone had a fantastic break!
It has been extremely busy over the past few weeks assembling everyone's orders and helping Kinders get ready for school. I ask for your patience as I slowly rebuild my stock levels as many items have sold out already.
Please remember to check the NEWS section on your QuickCliqs accounts for updates. Items can continue to be ordered however I may just have to fill them as stock arrives.
The uniform shop is open on Mondays only between 3:00 - 4:00 pm. You can contact me outside of these hours on clothingpooleps@gmail.com and I will answer any enquiries at my earliest convenience.
Online QuickCliq orders can be placed between Tuesday and Sunday of each week. QuickCliqs is CLOSED for ordering on Mondays. This is because your orders are then assembled Mondays. You will receive a text when the order is ready to collect from the school office.
Please remember to put your child's name on EVERYTHING!
We have a small range of Second-hand uniforms in store that can be purchased for $5 each although we are quite low on the Everyday Polo Shirts and Shorts with Piping, so if you have any you can kindly donate back it would be greatly appreciated.
We are always looking for Volunteers, so if you think you can spare 30 mins on a Monday afternoon, please see the ladies in the office to fill in the correct paperwork and shoot me an email so we can arrange a Monday for you to help.
Have a great February!
EPS Uniform Shop Coordinator
School Hats
School hats are available for purchase at the office. If you require a hat for your child please make sure you have the correct money. Hats are $15 each (cash only).
To order from the Canteen and Uniform Shop go to Quick Cliq