
Canteen Special
Available Wednesday 14 February 2024
Hawaiian Burger and Drink for $8
Birthday Treats
Cupcakes, ice blocks, jelly and popcorn are available to order for class group birthday celebrations with 48 hours notice. Orders must be for class groups only, not individual orders.
If you are interested please contact me in the Canteen by phoning the school on 63371205.
Thank you Amanda
Volunteers Required
Have you ever thought about volunteering?
Well here is your chance, we are looking for some more volunteers to join our team.
We have:
Long shifts, short shifts
Weekly, fortnightly or monthly
It is totally up to you.
Parents, Grandparents, Aunt's and Uncle's, anyone can volunteer, all you need to do is fill out the Volunteer Declaration which can be found at the Office.
If you would like to assist the canteen staff with Lunch preparation between 9:30am and 12:30pm or Recess between 2:00pm and 2:30pm or just help throughout the day we would love a few extra hands.
If you are interested please contact Amanda via email or contact the office on 02 6337 1394
Canteen Coordinator
Donations Needed
Wooden spoons and 6 packs of plastic cups (from Kmart would be appreciated)
To order from the Canteen and Uniform Shop go to Quick Cliq