School Snippets

Early Stage 1
The Kindergarten team are looking forward to an exciting year of growth and learning with your children.
Class Overview
Class Name | Teacher | |
KB | Kinder Bowerbird | Mrs Nicole Burden |
KC | Kinder Corella | Ms Melissa Clare |
KH | Kinder Honeyeater | Mrs Janean Hanlon |
KS | Kinder Swan | Mrs Sue Craft |
K-6M | K-6 Meerkat | Miss Reace Milgate |
We are beginning 2024 with 4 Kindergarten classes of 14 – 15 students and a K-6 support class.
Oral language and communication focuses on developing speaking, listening, and interacting skills.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- sharing and discussing stories from your own and other cultures
- retelling familiar and made-up stories
- modelling listening skills by taking turns when speaking with your child and waiting for them to respond.
Vocabulary focuses on developing knowledge of words and word meanings, understanding and using words when speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- creating a sense of fun about learning new words
- encouraging your child to use descriptive words for people and objects when engaging in conversations. For example, instead of saying Look at that dog going for a walk, say Look at that enormous brown dog going for a walk with our neighbour.
- discussing the meaning of new words that come up in everyday conversations with your child.
Phonological awareness focuses on hearing/identifying and manipulating phonemes (the smallest units of sound in English) within spoken words, or syllables (a unit of sound within a word that contains a vowel phoneme and rhymes).
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- clapping or tapping the syllables they can hear in words when reading together. For example, dog (one syllable – one clap), e/mu (2 syllables – 2 claps) and kan/ga/roo (3 syllables – 3 claps)
- playing rhyming games such as starting with a base word and taking turns to say a new rhyming word. For example, the base word of hat, can be rhymed with bat, sat, mat and flat.
Print conventions focuses on knowing how books and written language work and understanding how to use books correctly.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- running your finger under the words as you are reading with your child
- making sure your child can see how your finger moves from the end of a line to the beginning of the next line in a ‘return sweep’
Home Reading
This scheme is a vital part of Eglinton Public School’s reading program. This should not take more than 15 minutes and should be an enjoyable and positive experience. The students use a large zip-up pencil case to transport the books safely to and from school. Home Reading will begin in Week 4 of Term 1.
The students are allocated a day per week on which they present their news. Kindergarten has a set news topic each week – this information will be inside their homework booklet.
Number and algebra
Representing whole numbers focuses on how whole numbers show quantity reading and representing numerals to at least 20.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- counting with one-to-one correspondence
- helping them represent numbers from 0 – 10 with words, numerals, and finger patterns
- using household items to count numbers 0 – 20 (e.g. count out 15 pegs)
- Using dice in board games to identify number patterns.
Combining and Separating quantities focuses on addition and subtraction and number pairs which make 10.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- using everyday materials to model addition and subtraction e.g. start with 5 spoons, now add 4 more spoons. How many altogether?
Forming Groups focuses on forming groups through sharing and counting objects and making and continuing patterns which repeat.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- teaching them to share cutlery for each place when setting the table
- noticing patterns in nature.
Measurement and Space
Geometric Measure focuses on position, direction and measuring length.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- sharing stories that use positional language e.g. Going on a Bear Hunt
- singing, dancing, and playing left and right games and songs e.g. The Hokey Pokey
Two-dimensional spatial structure focuses on recognising, representing, and describing common 2D shapes, describing and comparing areas.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- identifying shapes such as circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares around your home.
Three-dimensional spatial structure focuses on recognising, representing, and describing common 3D shapes and describing and comparing volume.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- using, discussing, and comparing different measuring containers when cooking, gardening, or filling baths, buckets, or cups
- refer to containers as being full, empty, or half full.
Non-spatial measures focus on describing and comparing the masses of objects, sequencing events, and reading hour time on clocks.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- comparing the weights of objects around the house by lifting one in each hand
- using the days of the week and months of the year
- using an analog wall clock in your house for hour time events. For example, the long hand is on the 12 and the short hand is on the 5. It is five o’clock, it is time to start getting dinner ready.
Statistics and Probability Data focuses on collecting data and making meaning from a data display.
You can help your Kindergarten child at home by:
- collecting data together about something that you both find interesting. For example, what kinds of pets are most popular with your extended family or friends?
Each term Kindergarten has a focus area in Science:
- Earth and Space (Changes in the Environment): What’s the Weather?
- Material World: What’s it Made of?
- Biological Science: Living Things
- Physical World: How Does it Move?
History / Geography
Each term Kindergarten has a focus area in History or Geography:
- Personal and Family Histories: Past, Present and Future
- Personal and Family Histories: My Family and Special Events
- People Live in Places: Caring for our Place
- People Live in Places: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Places
Creative Arts
Creative Arts lessons enable students to gain increasing understanding and accomplishment in visual arts, music, drama, and dance. These learning experiences offer the students opportunities for personal expression, enjoyment, imagination, and aesthetic pleasure.
Physical Development, Health, Physical Education
Personal Development / Health has a focus each term:
- What makes school a safe and happy place?
- How can my choices influence my health?
- Keeping myself safe: child protection, bike safety, medicines, water safety
- How do our decisions keep people safe?
Each Tuesday Kindergarten participates in Physical Education lessons. Throughout the course of the year Kindergarten will learn about safety rules in games and play, fundamental movement skills such as throwing, catching, and kicking balls and running.
Homework will begin in Week 3. This provides an opportunity for students to reinforce classroom learning. Homework will be handed out on a Monday and students are asked to return it each Friday. Please encourage your child to take pride in their homework and use pencil not texta.
Kindergarten classes will participate in Library lessons once a fortnight. Each child will need to bring in a library bag to borrow books on Tuesdays of even weeks. Library is a fantastic opportunity to instil a love of reading within children.
Infants assemblies are each Friday on EVEN weeks. They begin at 2:40pm. If your child is receiving an award at assembly, they will bring home a note to notify you of their achievement. All are welcome to attend our fortnightly assemblies.
Crunch and Sip
‘Crunch and Sip’ is at 10:30am each day. This program encourages children to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, boosting their health and concentration. Students may bring a piece of fresh fruit or raw vegetables in a small container to eat at this time.
We look forward to seeing families at our Meet and Greet sessions next week. Please book in to have a 10-minute interview with your child’s class teacher through the parent portal.
Kind regards,
Early Stage One Teachers
Stage 1
The Stage One team are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. The 2024 school year promises to be filled with so many wonderful teaching and learning opportunities.
Last year a great deal of professional learning was undertaken in preparation for the introduction of the new English K-2 syllabus. The teachers feel very confident for its implementation into our Stage One classes this year. Our classrooms are filled with quality texts and decodable readers.
We will be supporting students’ growing knowledge and understanding in the following areas: oral language and communication, vocabulary, phonic knowledge, reading fluency and comprehension, creating written texts (including spelling and handwriting) and understanding and responding to literature.
In addition to the new English K-2 syllabus, a new Maths K-2 syllabus is to be implemented in our classrooms this year. The Stage One team, with the guidance of our Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, Mrs Jodeen Jackson, have gained a thorough understanding of both documents. The Stage One teaching team are enthusiastic about applying their new knowledge.
The new Maths K-2 syllabus highlights the importance of students working mathematically. This involves the processes of communicating, understanding, reasoning and problem solving.
Home Reading
This scheme is a vital part of Eglinton Public School’s reading program. It is designed to help the students achieve success by reading each night. This should not take more than 15 minutes and should be an enjoyable and positive experience. The students use a large zip-up pencil case to transport the books safely to and from school. Home Reading will begin in Week 5 of Term 1.
News/Talk time
The students have been allocated a day on which to present their news. It helps if you discuss with your child what they will be presenting. Please do not send items of value to school.
The students will learn how living things change and reproduce. The students observe the patterns of growth and change in living things, and make predictions. A Fairy Tale focus in the unit enables the students to work scientifically with a focus on literature. Science lessons will be taught by our Release From Face to Face team; Mr Ellis, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Marsh, Mrs Astridge and Mrs Bourke.
Students investigate how the past, present and future are signified by terms indicating and describing time. Students will define and use words relating to sequencing time e.g. then and now, long ago, yesterday and tomorrow. Students will sequence days, months and seasons and will be introduced to an Aboriginal seasonal calendar. Students will identify days of personal significance and ones that are significant to other cultures and communities. They will also investigate and create timelines displaying their own personal histories.
Creative Arts
Stage One Creative Arts lessons enable students to gain increasing understanding and accomplishment in the visual arts, music, drama and dance. These learning experiences offer the students opportunities for personal expression, enjoyment, imagination and aesthetic pleasure.
Sport/Physical Education
Each Thursday the students will participate in Sports lessons. We will be concentrating on the development of fundamental movement skills such as throwing, catching and kicking balls.
Students in Stage One will start Homework in Week 4. This will provide the opportunity to reinforce classroom learning. Homework will be handed out on a Monday and students will have two weeks to complete the tasks. Please encourage your child to take pride in their homework and keep it neat.
Scripture takes place each Friday. If you prefer your child not participate in Scripture, please forward a note stating this. Scripture starts Week 3.
Your child will participate in Library lessons once a fortnight to instil the love for reading. Each child will need to bring in a library bag to borrow books.
Library day for all Stage One classes is Tuesday of even weeks.
A K-2 Assembly takes place each Friday, from 2:40pm. Even If your child is receiving an award at assembly, they will bring home a note to notify you of their achievement. All are welcome to attend our fortnightly assemblies.
Crunch & Sip
Each day, all Stage One classes are involved in the ‘Crunch & Sip’ program. This program encourages children to eat fresh and delicious fruit on a daily basis, boosting their health and concentration. Students may bring a piece of fresh fruit or raw vegetables chopped up in a small container (something quick and easy for them to eat).
We hope to see you at our Stage One Parent Information session on Tuesday 13th February at 3:45pm. More information regarding this information session to follow.
Stage One Teachers
Stage 2
(3/4 Correa, 3/4 Fern, 3/4 Kurrajong & 3/4 Melaleuca)
Welcome to Stage 2 for 2024. Our teachers are Ms Carlisle, Ms Charlton, Ms Miller (AP) and we welcome Mrs Franklin to our team. We are looking forward to a fantastic year with our Year 3 and 4 students. We are working on numerous exciting opportunities that we can’t wait to share with you all and are looking forward to meeting you during our Week 3 Meet and Greet.
Last year a great deal of professional learning was undertaken in preparation for the introduction of the new English 3-6 syllabus. We feel very confident for its implementation into our Stage Two classes this year. Our classrooms are filled with quality texts, which were purchased at the end of last year.
This term we will be basing our work on the narrative Fantastic Mr Fox and a non-fiction unit around an Ocean theme.
In addition to the new English 3-6 syllabus, a new Maths 3-6 syllabus is being implemented in our classrooms this year. The Stage Two team, with the guidance of our Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, Mrs Jodeen Jackson, have gained a thorough understanding of both documents. The Stage Two teaching team are enthusiastic about applying this new knowledge.
The new Maths 3-6 syllabus highlights the importance of students working mathematically. This involves the processes of communicating, understanding, reasoning and problem solving.
Home Reading
This is the highest priority of all homework activities. Children need to read for 15-20 minutes at home each day to reinforce good reading habits. The home reader text is usually several levels below that read at school for ease and fluency. Stage 2 have purchased novels to match student needs for Home Reading. Home Reading will begin in Week 4 of Term 1.
The students will learn how the Material World is important to our everyday lives and our responsibility to the environment and protecting our planet.
During Term 1, the students in Stage 2 study History. This term students examine a First Contacts unit from European discovery and settlement to the proclamation of Bathurst in 1815. We hope to incorporate a day excursion into this term if possible.
Creative Arts (CAPA)
Stage Two Creative Arts lessons enable students to gain increasing understanding and accomplishment in the visual arts, music, drama and dance. These learning experiences offer the students opportunities for personal expression, enjoyment, imagination and aesthetic pleasure. CAPA lessons will be taught by our Release from Face to Face team; Mrs Astridge (3/4M), Mrs Johnson (3/4F), Mrs Cluff (3/4C) and Mrs Bourke (3/4K).
Sport/Physical Education
Stage 2 PE will be Tuesdays and Sport will be held on a Friday. Students will be involved in games and sports which aid in the development of fundamental movement skills, coordination, and gross motor skills as well as preparing for our Athletics carnival to be held early Term 2.
Homework is through our Google Classrooms each fortnight and will be explained further at our Meet and Greet sessions. This will provide the opportunity to reinforce classroom learning. Homework will be set on an even Monday starting Week 4 and students will have two weeks to complete the tasks. Please encourage your child to take pride in their homework and keep it neat.
Scripture takes place each Friday. If you prefer your child not participate in Scripture, please forward a note stating this. Scripture starts Week 3.
Your child will participate in Library lessons once a fortnight to instil their love for reading. Each child will need to bring in a library bag to borrow books on Wednesday (odd weeks) from Week 3.
A 3-6 Assembly takes place odd Fridays, starting Week 3, from 2:40pm. If your child is receiving an award at assembly, they will bring home a note to notify you of their achievement. All are welcome to attend our fortnightly assemblies.
Crunch & Sip
Each day, all Stage 2 classes are involved in the ‘Crunch & Sip’ program. This program encourages children to eat fresh fruit daily, boosting their health and concentration. Students may bring a piece of fresh fruit or raw vegetables chopped up in a small, individual container (something quick and easy for them to eat and please not included in Bento boxes as they are too tempting).
We hope to see you at our Stage Two Meet and Greet session on Tuesday 13th February at 4:15pm in the school hall.
Stage Two Teachers
Stage 3
Welcome to our learning community from the Stage 3 teaching team. This year we have four Stage 3 classes being taught by Mrs Michael, Mrs Owens, Mr Peters and Mr Wharton.
We are looking forward to an exciting year where, together with your support, we aim to build a positive and engaging learning environment.
This year, like many other Department schools, we are following the Department guidelines and implementing the new English 3-6 syllabus which explicitly outlines selected texts and teaching processes. The new syllabus aims to strengthen and streamline what has previously been taught in schools and is an opportunity to engage and reenergise what we teach and how we teach it. Key focus areas will include oral communication, reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling, creating written texts, spelling and understanding and responding to literature.
In addition to the new English 3-6 syllabus, a new Maths 3-6 syllabus is to be implemented in our classrooms this year. Content areas are organised into number and algebra, measurement and space and statistics and probability. Students will be shown how to work mathematically (communicate, understand, reason and problem solve) to deepen their content knowledge and become proficient. We will be exploring many games and hands-on opportunities to apply concepts and to engage our students.
Our focus this term will be all about the structural and behavioural adaptations of animals. This should prove to be a very interesting unit and students will discover the many ways animal adaptations have been applied to our lives.
This year we will travel to Canberra to consolidate our History lessons about ‘Australia as a Nation’. More details of our excursion will be sent home soon.
Creative Arts
Stage 3 students will engage in learning experiences in visual arts, music, drama and dance which link to other key learning areas to broaden student perspectives and experiences.
PDHPE (Personal Development Health Physical Education)
In Personal Development/Health we are completing lessons that help to build well-being, resilience and social emotional learning.
Class PE programs will develop fundamental movement skills needed to play a variety of games and sports. During sport, students will develop teamwork, tactics and strategies when participating in team games. This term we will play a range of games including netball, soccer, T-ball, touch football and cricket. Sport will be on Friday mornings this term.
All students are expected to participate in Sport and PE. If they are unable to join in due to sickness or injury, they will be required to provide a signed note.
Homework will commence in Week 2 and run on a fortnightly cycle. Homework will be handed out on a Monday and students will have two weeks to complete the tasks. Please encourage your child to take pride in their homework and keep it neat. For our senior students, homework is a critical step towards establishing effective work habits at home and learning about time management skills.
Scripture will take place fortnightly on Fridays. If your child has changed their Scripture preference please send us a note stating the change.
Your child will participate in Library lessons once a fortnight on WEDNESDAY to instil the love for reading and to complete research.
Primary assembly takes place each fortnight on Fridays from 2:40pm. Years 3-6 will have assembly on ODD weeks commencing Friday February 16. However, Stage 3 will be on an excursion to Mt Panorama this day so our next assembly will be Friday March 1st. You are always welcome to attend our fortnightly assemblies.
We will be arranging the Year 6 shirts in the coming weeks. Please remind your child that they need to wear their school hats every day or they will be required to play in sheltered areas only – the library or COLA. A further reminder that makeup should not be worn to school and earrings should be kept small for safety purposes.
We look forward to an exciting year where we can work together to support the needs of our students. Please feel free to contact us via the front office if you have any concerns or enquiries.
Stage 3 Teachers
Learning Support
At Eglinton Public School, learning and support resources are available to help any student experiencing difficulties in learning, regardless of the cause. Learning and support resources are used to personalise the learning for the individual needs of students. Teaching and learning can be adjusted in many ways, based on every student's unique needs, to enable students with disability and additional learning and support needs to enjoy the same opportunities and choices in their education as their peers. Adjustments are made in close consultation with students and their parents and carers and are regularly reviewed to assess their effectiveness and to identify any need for changes.
The Learning and Support Team
If you would like to discuss additional learning and support for your child, the first step is to talk to your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher may find it appropriate to refer your child to the school’s Learning Support Team for further support. The Learning Support Team (LST) at Eglinton Public School includes key personnel involved in supporting students with disability and additional learning and support needs, including the Principal, School Counsellor, Assistant Principal of Learning and Support (Coordinator), Learning and Support Teacher, Assistant Principals of Stages and when appropriate will include Class Teachers, Itinerant Teachers, Intervention teachers, Outside Agencies, Parents, SLSOs, and Administrative Staff. The LST meet fortnightly to:
· Support teachers in identifying and responding to the additional learning needs of students.
· Facilitate and coordinate a whole school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student in collaboration with the Student Wellbeing Committee.
· Coordinate planning processes and resourcing for students with disability and additional learning and support needs.
· Design and implement the supports required to build teacher capacity so that all students access quality learning.
· Develop collaborative partnerships with the school, parents and carers, other professionals, and the wider school community.
· Discuss, plan, monitor and evaluate student interventions
· Coordinate support mechanisms throughout the school including School Counsellor, LaST, wellbeing committee supports, Student Learning Support Officers etc.
Meet the Team
Additional Support
Following LST referral and in collaboration with you and your child, teachers will help to explain what personalised learning and support for your child might look like, this may include developing a Learning/Behaviour Plan. They will also discuss specific learning adjustments that could be made to support your child, these adjustments can relate to curriculum, instruction and/or the school environment. It may be helpful to invite other people, who can offer support, to the meeting, such as the School Counsellor, Learning and Support Teacher or External Providers. Support at school is flexible and caters for each child’s individual needs. You and your family can ask questions and make requests while you plan how your child can be best supported at school. Some things you can discuss with the school could include the factors affecting your child’s learning, any current support or adjustments the school may be providing and what other supports or adjustments your child could need. Your child can also be involved in these plans and discussions, if appropriate. The school may recommend or discuss the following support with you based on the level of Learning and Support required:
• Integration Funding Support (IFS)
• Support classes in mainstream schools and schools for specific purposes
• Itinerant support teachers vision and hearing
• Early intervention support.
Key Dates in the LST calendar
- Our School Counsellor, Hathor Brackenreg, is onsite Tuesdays in even weeks, and Tuesdays and Wednesdays in odd weeks.
- The Learning Support Team meets each fortnight on a Wednesday.
- Access Requests for Integration Funding Support are submitted on an ongoing basis.
- Placement Panel, for placement of students in to Support Classes, convene in weeks 3 and 7 of each term.
- Placement Panel for students seeking support class placement in Kindergarten 2025 will be held on Term Three Week Three.
- Placement Panel for Year 5 into Year 7 2026 will be held in Term 3 Week 7.
- Placement Panel for students seeking participation in the Early Intervention Program will be held in Term 4 Week 3.
- National Consistent Collection of Data on school students with disability census date- August 2024 TBC.
The Learning and Support Team
Support Education Unit
The Support Education Unit team are looking forward to an year of growth and personal bests. The 2024 school year promises to be filled with so many wonderful teaching and learning opportunities through a developing comprehensive knowledge of the curriculum and the individual learning requirements of each student in our classes.
Last year a great deal of professional learning was undertaken in preparation for the introduction of the new English K-2 syllabus. The teachers feel very confident for its implementation into our classes this year. Our classrooms are filled with quality texts and decodable readers.
We will be supporting students’ growing knowledge and understanding in the following areas; oral language and communication, vocabulary, phonic knowledge, reading fluency and comprehension, creating written texts (including spelling and handwriting) and understanding and responding to literature.
In addition to the new English K-2 syllabus, a new Maths K-2 syllabus is to be implemented in our classrooms this year. The Support team, with the guidance of our Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, Mrs Jodeen Jackson, have gained a thorough understanding of both documents. The Support teaching team are enthusiastic about applying their new knowledge.
The new Maths syllabus highlights the importance of students working mathematically. This involves the processes of communicating, understanding, reasoning and problem solving.
Home Reading and Homework
This scheme is a vital part of Eglinton Public School’s reading program. It is designed to help the students achieve success by reading each night. This should not take more than 15 minutes and should be an enjoyable and positive experience. The students use a large zip-up pencil case to transport the books safely to and from school. Home Reading will begin in Week 5 of Term 1.
News/Talk time
The students have been allocated a day on which to present their news. It helps if you discuss with your child what they will be presenting. Please do not send items of value to school. Relevant for ES1 & Stage 1 support classes.
The Science lessons will be taught by our Release From Face to Face team; Mr Ellis, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Marsh, and Mrs Cluff.
Students investigate how the past, present and future are signified by terms indicating and describing time. Students will define and use words relating to sequencing time e.g. then and now, long ago, yesterday and tomorrow. Stage 2 & 3 students will be studying a unit on democracy in preparation for the Stage 3 Canberra excursion.
Creative Arts
Stage One Creative Arts lessons enable students to gain increasing understanding and accomplishment in the visual arts, music, drama and dance. These learning experiences offer the students opportunities for personal expression, enjoyment, imagination and aesthetic pleasure.
Sport/Physical Education
Each Friday morning after crunch and sip the students will participate in Sports lessons. We will be concentrating on the development of fundamental movement skills such as throwing, catching and kicking balls.
Scripture takes place each Friday. If you prefer your child not participate in Scripture, please forward a note stating this. Scripture starts Week 5.
Your child will participate in Library lessons during RFF time.
A K-2 Assembly takes place each Friday, from 2:40pm. Even If your child is receiving an award at assembly, they will bring home a note to notify you of their achievement. All are welcome to attend our fortnightly assemblies. A stage 2&3 Assembly will take place on the alternate Fridays at 2:40pm and your attendance to celebrate with your child would be appreciated by them.
Crunch & Sip
Each day, all Support classes are involved in the ‘Crunch & Sip’ program. This program encourages children to eat fresh and delicious fruit on a daily basis, boosting their health and concentration. Students may bring a piece of fresh fruit or raw vegetables chopped up in a small container (something quick and easy for them to eat).
We hope to see you at our Support Parent Information session on Tuesday 13th February at 3:30pm. More information regarding this information session to follow.
Support Teachers and Student Learning Support Officers