Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Welcome back to 2024


I caught up with a lot of the kids throughout the first few days; they were all thrilled to return to school and had a great break. 


The school year started off extremely busy. The staff participated in two Staff Development days where we completed mandatory professional learning, Mathematics professional learning and getting our head around the new syllabuses. 


It was wonderful to see Years 1-6 return last Thursday and then all our new little Kinder students on Monday. It was exciting to welcome and introduce Garru to Eglinton. We will be seeing a lot more of him over the next 12 months.


On Tuesday this week we held our school swimming carnival. I would like to congratulate all the students who competed. They all swam like fish and we were extremely proud of their efforts in the pool and how they followed the school expectations on the day.



Over the holidays our new school signage was placed around the school. I would like to thank our very generous P&C for donating $10,000 toward the signage. These sign allows students to know the school expectations when they are in different areas of the school. The expectations will be explicitly taught to each class so everyone knows the them.


There has been some staff movement over the holidays. Cassie Hayes was successful in obtaining an Assistant Principal Learning and Support role working out of the Education office for Semester 1. We welcome two new staff members Camille Henderson and Yvonne Franklin.


Our school student numbers have remained stable. We were able to create 17 mainstream classes and our four K-6 classes. 


Staff for 2024 are :

KB - Nicole Burden (Assistant Principal relieving - Early Stage 1)

KS - Sue Craft

KH - Janean Hanlon

KC - Melissa Clare

1/2S - Meleesa Smith (Assistant Principal - Stage 1)

1/2G - Amelia Garner

1/2H - Camille Henderson

1/2C - Sigourney Conroy

1/2B - Sophie Bellamy

3/4M - Elizabeth Miller (Assistant Principal - Stage 2)

3/4K - Kerrie Charlton

3/4C - Brownyn Carlisle

3/4F - Yvonne Franklin

5/6M - Joanne Michael (Assistant Principal - Stage 3)

5/6O - Cheryl Owens

5/6P - Dave Peters

5/6W- Daniel Wharton

K/6F - Carolyn Flanagan (Assistant Principal - SEU)                SLSO - Louise Farry

K/6H - Renee Van Dyke                                                                     SLSO - Emily Brabham

K/6D - Bronwyn Davey                                                                      SLSO - Kierin Thronton

K/6M - Reace Milgate                                                                       SLSO - Cathie Cottrell


Release from Face to face team - Marilyn Johnson

                                                                   Hayden Ellis

                                                                   Lindsay Marsh

                                                                   Cheryl Cluff

                                                                   Katie Bourke

                                                                 Renata Astridge


Principal - Kaileen Carr

Assistant Principal Learning and Support - Michelle Taylor

Assistant Principal Curriculum Instruction - Jodeen Jackson

Learning and Support Teacher - Hayley Erikksson

School Counsellor - Hathor Brackenreg

Small Group Intervention - Jenny Eagle


Student Learning Support Officers - Annie Lawlor

                                                                        Steve O'Brien

                                                                        Catharine Rinni

                                                                        Jay Cashen

                                                                        Rebecca Ghattas

                                                                        Rich Murphy 


School Administration Manager - Cathy Zammitt


School Administration Officer -  Leesa Lepaio 

                                                                Angela Best

                                                                Carrolyn Hawlsey

                                                                Anne Hughes