Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett
Can you believe we're going into week 9 next week? Our Foundies are on track to finish the year off as absolute super-stars! They have been busy completing testing on Essential Assessment, completing end of year writing pieces and are getting ready to start revising in some curriculum areas.
Some highlights for us in Foundation over the past two weeks are:
- Starting cricket coaching on Mondays.
- Learning new digraphs. This week we learnt the 'ea' digraph like in the words; peach, beast and cheat.
- Writing about our weekends and sharing it with 'Author's Chair'.
- Completing a writing assessment and comparing it from the beginning of the school year.
- Finding our houses on Google Earth as a part of our Geography unit.
- Hanging out with our friends in Little Paddy's and creating a treasure map to match our Bear Hunt.
Grade 1-2 Miss Hart
This term in 1/2JH we have been learning about data and how to graph it on a column graph, pictograph and a line graph. Students had the opportunity to come up with a question and options that students at St Pat’s could choose from. They went around to each classroom and asked students to vote on their favourite. Students then created their own tally table and graph to go alongside their data. Some questions of interest were:
“What is your favourite soft drink?”
“What is your favourite subject at school?”
“What is your favourite food?”
“What is your favourite sport?”
In Literacy this term, students have been learning about persuasive writing. After writing their assessment piece for the story ‘Jetty Jumping’ - students had the opportunity to write a letter to Mrs Stockdale about something St Pat’s needs at school. Students came up with three good reasons to persuade using conjunctions and modal verbs to add to their writing. Some additions that students would like at St Pat’s are:
A pool
A snow cone machine
A motorbike track
A boxing ring
A class pet
A mini farm
Grade 1-2 Ms Hayes
Inquiry Walk
Last week the Grade 1/2’s walked down the main street of Tongala on the hunt for resources/features that were natural, managed and constructed. On our travels we identified that some resources/features could be both for example - natural and constructed or perhaps both managed and constructed. After returning to school the Grade 1/2’s had to sort the different photographs that they had taken. They identified some of the following:
The Playground is a managed feature
The gardens at the front of the school are managed resources/features
A brick pathway is a constructed feature
A tree is a natural resource
A garden bed is a managed resource/feature
During Maths students have been learning about Australian Money. Some students have been learning about the value of Australian money, some have been focusing on creating money amounts and some have been adding up the total of different money amounts added together. As our warming up activity this week we have been trying to match money amounts with their written number and word forms.
Grade 3-4 Stock
The 3/4 students have been busy learning about money. They have played a variety of games, involving money, to help consolidate their learning.
We have been busy preparing for our class Liturgy this Friday. They have also just finished their Religion Assignment for their topic on, Reaching out and Serving others.
For our Text Base Unit this term, we are reading Charlotte's Web. The students have been enjoying listening to the text and responding to different questions and activities.
The students have begun working on their project for their Inquiry Assessment. They have had to choose a State or Territory to research more about and create a presentation to share with the class.
On another note, we have had a special visit from Jack's ducks and James has kept us all intrigued at fruit break with a double banana and a triple banana.
Grade 3-4 Crosbie
Over the past 4 weeks 3/4's have been engaged in a Religious Education unit called Reaching Out and Serving others. We have been exploring what this means in the context of our own lives and the lives of others around us. We have shared personal examples of reaching out and service to others, we shared where we have seen this in action, we read scripture about service and related the scripture to our own lives and we have engaged in discussions and activities which have further supported us to know how we can reach out and serve others. Our final activity for the unit was to create a poster reflecting on our understanding and learning about reaching out and serving others.
Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen
The Grade 5/6 students made glitter jars during the Resilience Project. We spoke about how the glitter in the jar when shaken can represent how our brain can feel when we are stressed or angry. When we use mindfulness techniques our brains calm and settle like the glitter in our jars.