Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Whole School AssemblyWednesday 20th December
Scotsburn Assemblies

Friday 17th November

Friday 24th November

Scotsburn Swimming sessionsMonday 13th November - Friday 17th November
Student free dayWednesday 22nd November
Energy BreakthroughThursday 23rd November - Friday 24th November
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Friday 1st December (9am - 11am)
Scotsburn Sleepover Thursday 7th - Friday 8th December
Parent Teacher Interviews

Monday 11th December (4pm - 6pm)

Wednesday 13th December (1pm finish for students)

Public Schools Orientation DayTuesday 12th December
Scotsburn Christmas ConcertMonday 18th December
Grade 6 Graduation EveningTuesday 19th December
Last Day of Term 4Wednesday 20th December (1:30pm finish)


We had some students last Friday who were recognised for their efforts at the Remembrance Day whole school assembly. 


Firstly a big well done to our Specialist Bunjil Award winners - Maverick, Seth, Isla and Lincoln. Very well deserved!


Secondly, a very big congratulations to our ICAS participants - Amity, Elsie, Maggie and Kyson. There four students were selected to participate in these assessments due to their amazing academic achievements. What a super effort!


Finally, a very well done must be given to Jack and Harry, who along with the Buninyong school captains, compared the assembly. They spoke beautifully well and represented the Scotsburn Campus terrifically well. 

Sprinkler Fun

With the warm weather last Friday, the sprinklers made their first appearance for the term and they were most definitely appreciated! All students had heaps of fun cooling down.


A few weeks ago, some SC3 students (with the help of Mrs Morgan) provided students with some colourful and fun Halloween face paint. Once again, this was a beautiful lunchtime activity for the campus, demonstrating the amazing collaborative feel amongst our students.

Family Groups

It has been brilliant to see our Sustainability group out in the yard over the last few weeks, with some great work being put into the veggie patch. We are looking forward to some great produce growing in the coming months. The group has also spent some time learning about bees and honey, and of course doing some tasting!

Scotsburn Sleepover - 7th - 8th December

Our whole campus sleepover is certainly creeping up on us! This overnight event will foster team-building, outdoor engagement, as well as create lasting memories for all children. Students will go home after school to gather their belongings and prepare for the sleepover. Students are then invited to return to school at 6pm. Tea will be provided on the night along with breakfast, snacks, and lunch the following day. All activities will take place within the Scotsburn Campus. As an additional fun activity and experience on the night, we are going to hold a movie night, with a big screen out on the oval (this will be weather dependent). We will invite all families that wish to attend to watch the movie with us on the night. 


The event is now on Compass. Please make sure to provide consent and payment to book your child’s spot.

The Lunchtime “Student Restaurant”

It was incredible to see the imaginative play happening in the yard last week. Some of our SC3 students had set up their own restaurant at the back of the campus, complete with food made out of flowers and leaves, menus and even music. Students from different classes visited the restaurant, as did some teachers. This sort of beautiful, imaginative play is what makes Scotsburn so special!

Scotsburn Swimming Program

Scotsburn’s swimming program at Federation University has kicked off this week, and after two days it has started amazingly well. Students have been well organised and giving their best in their lessons. Well done to all. 

Grade 6 Jumpers 2024

A reminder to our Grade 5 parents that our 2024 Grade 6 jackets are now at the Buninyong office ready to try on and order. Families have until December 6 to pay for their child’s jacket.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day - Friday 1st December

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is creeping up on us, with it now only a few weeks away, on December 1st. This day has traditionally been a highlight on the calendar, and this year looks to be no different. The day will run from 9am - 11am at the Scotsburn campus, with some interactive activities planned for the grandparents and special friends to get involved in. 

We are also asking that parents could please bring a plate for morning tea on the day, which we will hold in the old building between 11am - 11.30am. Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for a personalised invitation to be sent home!

End of Year Scotsburn Concert and Picnic - KEEP IN THE CALENDAR!

Please keep in your diary the date for our end of year Scotsburn Concert and Picnic - Monday 18th December. As was the case last year, we will be running the concert between 2pm - 4pm. Over the next month, you will receive lots more information regarding end of year arrangements, however we wanted to have this one locked in the calendar for everyone!

Parent Volunteering

Thanks to those who have filled their name into some spaces for volunteering this term. There are still some spots left and we would love them filled.


If you are willing and able to assist in any way, please click on the link below and add your name to as many of the spaces you would like. Thanks in advance!

SC1 Learning Snapshot 

We are over the halfway mark for the term, wow has that gone quickly! We have been doing lots of testing and assessment over the last couple of weeks. We are blown away by the growth and perseverance students have displayed. 


In Reading, we have continued learning about inferring (‘reading between the lines’). Inferring can be a tricky skill that we need to keep building on and using, to enable students to be successful in reading comprehension.  At home, you can support your child by:


While reading with your child, think carefully (perhaps more than you are used to) about what you or your child are reading.


1. Pay attention to the places where you know what is happening, how a character is feeling, or why an action happened but the author did not explicitly state it.


2. Pause and consider what evidence you used in the text and what you already knew to make the inference.


3. Ask questions to help lead your child to use text evidence and his/her own knowledge and life experiences to make the inference.

“What did the book just say?”

“What does the picture show?”

“What just happened?”


In Maths, we have continued exploring 2D and 3D shapes. Students find shape such an engaging concept and enjoy the real-life connections that are seamlessly discovered. Students completed a 2D shape picture. These can be found in our classroom so please come in and have a look. 

Our Celebrating Differences, social justice unit, has been really captivating as we explore other countries and cultures. We have been looking at different celebrations between cultures, similarities and differences as well as treating people with respect when noticing differences. 


We look forward to the remaining weeks of term and all the fun and excitement to come. 


Thanks, Ana and Kirsty 

SC2 Learning Snapshot 

SC2 have hit the ground running with their assessments last week. It has been very pleasing to see just how willing they have been to partake in a range of assessments. 

In Maths, SC2 enjoyed commencing their chance and data assignment using Smarties. Using estimation, calculation and graphing, students are learning plenty (and have been able to sneak a few Smarties in along the way!)


Students are commencing inferring of character traits, we have started using this skill whilst reading George’s Marvellous Medicine! A crowd favourite. 


In Writing, we have been publishing our diary entries about our recent walks around the Union Jack, as well as Scotsburn! It has been great to see students use their IT skills to translate their edited drafts into a complete and published piece. 


It was great to be able to get into the library on Friday down at Buninyong! 


If you get a chance this week and haven’t already, make yourself known to Harry, who has joined us from the UK. He has been spending a lot of time in SC2 and has been fantastic for our students!


Have a great week! Mitch.  

SC3 Learning Snapshot

With lots happening in the SC3 classroom at the moment, our students are all doing a wonderful job continuing to maintain their focus and efforts to achieve their personal best. We are nearly through our assessment period, and all students in SC3 should be proud of their work. 


In Reading, we have been spending a great deal of time looking at Inferring the deeper meaning in the texts that we read. This can be often very tricky in non-fiction texts, so we have been deciphering between the topic and deeper meaning.


In Writing, SC3 have been drafting their memoirs on important figures in Australian history. This has been a fun writing piece to complete, with students combining factual events with some creative storytelling. It has been wonderful to see students concentrate on the idea of “show, don’t tell” and actively use our synonym anchor chart. 


Maths last week was all about shapes, learning about their features and 3D nets. This week we begin to look at angles. 


With only 5 weeks of school left, our Grade 6 students are quite busy and will continue to have lots on their plate in the coming weeks. We will make sure they are all organised with important dates and reminders. 


Have another amazing week everyone!



Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team