Engagement & Wellbeing

World Diabetes Day - Tuesday 14 November 

Jelly Bean Jar Competition

This week on Wednesday we will be holding a “guess the jellybeans in the jar”

 competition, organised by Mia Parkinson (with help from her mum Cassie). Mia lives with type 1 diabetes, and this has a massive impact on her life and that of those around her.


Raising funds for the Type 1 Foundation, this event ties in with World Diabetes Day. Type 1 Foundation aim to provide support, awareness and connection for those living with diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is a lifelong disease with no prevention and no cure. 


The jar will be in the courtyard before school and at recess and lunch time on Wednesday for anyone who’d like to make a guess. 


We thank you all for your support. 

Welcome to Facebook Buninyong PS!

We are now live on FB! Make sure to pop over and give the page a like and enjoy following along on the adventure. https://www.facebook.com/BuninyongPrimarySchool 


While Compass is still going to be the formal method of communication for our families, this page will look to post regular updates to give our community an inside look at what is happening at our school on a day-to-day basis. 


This page will also be used for sharing some images, updating families on upcoming events, but most importantly, just spreading positive BPS vibes out in the world for our community to enjoy!


We are looking forward to showcasing some of the incredible things that our school is currently doing!


Student Photo Consent and Social Media

Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Buninyong Primary School

At the start of the year all families were provided with the Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice via Compass. This notice explains the school using photos, video or recordings of students and families were able to opt out if they did not want images of their child to be collected or used by our school, under two categories:

  1. Use or disclosure within the school community

Unless you tell us otherwise, images of your child may be used by our school within the school community, as described below.

Photographs, video or recordings of students may be used within the school community in any of the following ways:

  • in the school’s communication, learning and teaching tools (for example, emails, learning snapshots or year level newsletters or apps that can only be accessed by students, parents/carers or school staff with passwords eg Compass, google drive, etc.) ·
  • for display in school classrooms, on noticeboards etc.
  • to support student’s health and wellbeing (eg photographs of pencil grip to assist in OT assessments)
  • professional school photos (individual and class groups)
  • school magazine
  1. Use or disclosure in publications/locations that are publicly accessible

Unless you tell us otherwise, photographs, video or recordings of students may also be used in publications that are accessible to the public, including:

  • on the school’s website [including in the school newsletter which is publicly available on the iNewsletter website]
  • on the school’s social media accounts  

 If you would like to opt out of either category, please collect a form from the office. 

 If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the school.

Managing Illness in Schools - Minimum Periods of Exclusion Table

Unfortunately, we have had quite a few cases of vomiting and also conjunctivitis reported to us at school. 


The Department of Education provides guidelines around managing student illnesses in schools. We understand that it can be challenging for families when any members of the household are unwell and we really appreciate your support in keeping students at home until they are well enough to return to school. 


We also do understand that illness can come on suddenly at times. Should the onset of any symptoms occur during the school day, parents will immediately be contacted to collect their child/ren. 


Please note that some illnesses have a minimum period of exclusion from school. The Minimum Period of Exclusion from Primary Schools and Children’s Services for Infectious Disease Cases and Contacts outlines these conditions. Please read carefully, as this includes conditions such as gastro and head lice. 


It is also important to contact the school, so we can send an alert to impacted classes and families can be aware to monitor for symptoms and help reduce transmission. 


Through working together and ensuring students who are ill do not attend school, we can hopefully reduce the spread of such illnesses and ensure our students, staff and school community are kept safe. 


We thank everyone for your cooperation and understanding. 

Student Dress Code

A reminder that we expect all of our students to be in full school uniform at all times while at school. 


Please ensure any items purchased for school are logo free and in line with our uniform guidelines, which can be found here: https://buninyongps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/BPS-Uniform-Guidelines-2022.pdf 


At the moment we have particularly noticed students wearing bike shorts instead of school shorts. Please note that bike shorts are not part of our school uniform, unless worn underneath a dress or pinafore. 


We are very proud of our school and the reputation we have earned for excellence in education. The wearing of school uniform is one way we actively demonstrate our pride and our belonging.


Your help in ensuring that all students are in the correct uniform is appreciated.

Remembrance Day

Last Friday at assembly we acknowledged Remembrance Day. Our grade 6 school leaders also did a wonderful job of representing the school at the local Remembrance Day service at RSL park, laying a wreath on behalf of the school community. 


This year we were also invited to lay a wreath at the Arch of Victory. The service at the Arch was significant as a past student of Buninyong State School, Robert Leslie Lawless, was recognised. He was one of 20 Ballarat men honoured who attended local schools, then lost their lives in the First World War and who have no known grave.


The enthusiasm from our school community in buying and wearing the Remembrance poppies also demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting our armed services community and reflecting on the contributions servicemen & women have made to the country we live in today. The RSL were delighted with the support received and extend their thanks to our school community. 

Bunjil Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a Specialist Bunjil Award at last week’s whole school assembly.


Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.


Well done! All of our weekly winners enjoy a hot chocolate with a principal.