Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Ella-Ivy 4C for always showing an active interest in developing her strategies and skills. 

Visual Arts - Matthew 4C for showing pride and integrity in Art. Matthew is always respectful and focused, he has shown amazing growth in his art skills this year.  Well done Matt, you are a pleasure to have in my Art class!

Performing ArtsSyleena 1/2A for showing pride and integrity during Dance in Performing Arts. Well done for encouraging your peers and putting all your effort and energy  into our practice for the school concert. Keep up the good work Syleena!

Chinese - Shona 3B for consistently displaying a positive attitude towards Chinese. She ALWAYS puts in 100% effort, and applies all teacher feedback to her tasks. Well done, Shona!


LLI - Year 4 - Gurjaap 4B for working co-operatively with other students in L.L.I. and sharing his ideas about a text with others.



6A - Reem and Lauren for showing integrity and being respectful by assisting with the organisation of the classroom devices. Well done!

6B - Emily for a positive attitude during numeracy lessons. Your focus and resilience to tackle a challenge is highly commendable. Well done!

6C - Anna for staying focused and thoroughly engaged during learning. You consistently show respect to both teachers and students. Keep it up!


5B - Olivia for being brave & showing integrity for applying for School Captain. I am very proud of you, regardless of the result. Well Done!

5C - Gurugunn for consistently modelling our school values, showing integrity in your work, being respectful to your peers and teachers, and showing great enthusiasm and responsibility for your learning. Fantastic work, Gurugunn!


4A - Corey for reflecting on his own attitude in the classroom, and remaining focused on his learning for longer amounts of time. I look forward to seeing you continue this for the remainder of the term, Corey!

4B - Tharu for having great resilience when conducting your House Captain Speech and always showing respect towards others. Well Done. 

4CMya - for consistently modelling our school values, showing integrity in your work, being respectful to your peers and teachers, and showing great enthusiasm and responsibility for your learning. Fantastic work, Mya!


3ATrajko for showing resilience with his learning. I know that sometimes learning is tough, but I love how you keep on trying. Well done Trajko!

3C - Leron for consistently modelling our school value of Integrity. When you have been faced with a challenging situation, you have taken the time to think before you react with positive outcomes. Well done!


1/2A - Precious for always working hard and putting in 100% effort for all learning tasks!

1/2B - Kyvaan for working hard this week to improve his whole body listening during mini lessons. Well done Kyvaan! 

1/2C - Moses for showing pride in his learning when creating his own park for Inquiry. Keep up the great effort Moses, well done! 

1/2E - Audrey for demonstrating pride. Audrey has strengthened her writing practice by taking risks. She has used similes to make her writing sound more interesting. Fantastic work Audrey.


FA - Hirad for his amazing reading. You have been using your word solving strategies when reading tricky words. Well done Hirad. 

FBAshley for coming to school each day ready to learn! Great work! 


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: FAHirad for his amazing reading. You have been using your word solving strategies when reading tricky words. Well done Hirad. 


Upper primary: 3CLeron for consistently modelling our school value of Integrity. When you have been faced with a challenging situation, you have taken the time to think before you react with positive outcomes. Well done!