Secondary Notices

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 6th December - Calrossy Carols Service
Thursday 7th December - Secondary Presentation Day
Thursday 7th December - Boarder Parent Gathering
The Secondary Presentation Day will be held this Thursday in the Bishop Peter Chiswell Hall on the William Cowper Campus. Guests are asked to be seated by 8.45am for a 9am start. The event will be livestreamed for those unable to attend, it can be viewed on the following link, please share with family and friends unable to attend in person.
The Tamworthian and 2024 Calendar
The 2023 Tamworthian Magazine and 2024 Calendar has arrived and is being distributed this week. Please not each Calrossy family receives one of each, and they will be given to the youngest student in each family.
For those who are away this week, they can pick up their magazine and calendar from either reception next year.
This year's graduating class can pick up their copy at the HSC Breakfast BBQ next Thursday, December 14, at 8am - 10am. Or at the Brisbane Street Reception following this event.
Tamworth Youth Council
How great is this! The new Tamworth Youth Council has been announced and six senior secondary Calrossy students including Avalya Matthew, Edward Duggan, Eva-Mae Davies, Meg Foster, Molly Carey and Sweta Rai are new sitting members. They join our Alumni and current students Dominic Fawcett, Luke Sutter, Sophia Hanson and Yvonne Sutton. That’s a total of ten Calrossy students or alumni from a maximum total of 25 Youth Council Members, which is a very strong representation from Calrossy. Congratulations to you all.
Shape Exhibition
Congratulations to Calrossy Class of 2023 Yr 12 Students Charlotte Bedggood and William Ramsden who have had their HSC Major Works selected in the 2024 Shape Exhibition, which will be held on March 19 in Sydney. Charlotte's Textiles work was an intricate garment with hand embroidery and Will's Industrial Tech Major was a shaped timber reclining chair. Well done to these students and to their TAS teachers Ce-Anne Brennan, Lorraine Taber and Jonathon Staines for their help and encouragement.
Calrossy End of Year Functions