Junior School Notices

Junior School Notices
Junior School Presentation Day
The Junior School Presentation Day will be held this Thursday in the Bishop Peter Chiswell Hall on the William Cowper Campus. Guests are asked to be seated by 12.45pm for a 1pm start. The event will be livestreamed for those unable to attend, it can be viewed on the following link, please share with family and friends unable to attend in person.
The Tamworthian and 2024 Calendar
The 2023 Tamworthian Magazine and 2024 Calendar has arrived and is being distributed this week. Please not each Calrossy family receives one of each, and they will be given to the youngest student in each family.
For those who are away this week, they can pick up their magazine and calendar from either reception next year.
Uniform: The New - The end of this year marks the conclusion of the two-year transition of the new school uniform. All Calrossy year groups will be wearing the new uniform in 2024. Given that some of our community currently wear existing items of apparel with the old Calrossy Crest (PE shirt, blazers) I have agreed provide an additional year of ‘grace’ in the wearing of these items, up until the end of 2024. This applies to internal wearing of items. Where students are representing the school externally, we require them to display the new school crest, that has been in use an applied since 2020.
Uniform: The Old - Our School student leaders have been working on the concept of using charitable organisations in donating our (shortly to be redundant) old uniforms, to be used overseas. Noone Wearhouse have already donated their excess stock and we will shortly notify students and parents as to how to direct the ‘old’ uniforms to make a difference to others. Please keep your ‘old uniforms’ and bundle them, so that we can collect them at school at the end of this year and early in 2024. We will provide more information as to the destination as part of the publicity campaign around the old uniforms.
Phones/iWatches/Device: Please leave these at home. Children do not need these at school. If they must, they need to be dropped in the box at the JS Office. This includes watches, with any kind of wifi connectivity or ability to interrupt the flow of learning, via a notification. They are a distraction and not necessary. iWatches can be worn out of school time, not at school and are an expensive item, not needed to add to the items that can be lost or damages at school.
2024 Stationery: Calrossy provides all the stationery your child needs for the school year for all students in Prep to Year 6 and eCalrossy. This includes top ups throughout the year. We do this to save parents having to buy the equipment themselves, this ensures your children have what they need all the time, and have the correct age-appropriate resources. Students in P-4 do not need to bring anything to the classroom, they do not need a pencil case, textas or coloured pencils - everything is provided. In Year 5/6 all stationery is provided, but the older students generally choose to bring their own pencil case with sets of textas and coloured pencils.
Semester Two Reports: Reports will be uploaded to the HUB in the first week of the holidays.
Junior School Open Classrooms – January 2024
On Wednesday 31st January 2024 from 9:30-10:30am the Junior School is open for the whole Junior School from Prep to Year 6, for new and returning students. Parents are invited to attend a short visit to the classrooms with their child. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the teacher, connect with friends and families and have a look around. There is nothing formal during this time, please come and go as you please. Students may wear plain clothes.
Dates Coming Up: Term 4 and beyond...
- Wednesday 6th December, Whole School Carols, WCC
- Thursday 7th December, Junior School Presentation Day, WCC Hall, 12:45pm start.
- School Holidays Friday 8th December - Wednesday 31st January
- Wednesday 31st January Junior School Open Classrooms 9:30am - 10:30am
- Thursday 1st February First day of Term 1 2024
- Tuesday 13th February 2024 – Infants Information Night for Parents of P-2
- Thursday 15th February 2024 – Primary Information Night for Parents of Yrs 3-6
ESTEEMS KIDS: Vacation Care: Available from Friday 8th December through until Wednesday 20th December. Reopening Monday 8th January until Wednesday 31st January. All dates are inclusive. Please contact William Wong on 0410 841 628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book. Additionally, After School Care can also be booked through William, students must be booked in by midday on the day of booking.
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243
End of Year Functions