From the Head of Junior School

Term 4 Week 9
In our year of Hope, we have anchored ourselves in the stability and assurance that Hope in God provides. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19
Thank you to our parents for entrusting us with your children this year. We love what we do and love that we can educate your children every day. We look forward to another wonderful year next year.
I am always thankful for the staff in our school who give endlessly of themselves to create an environment for your children to thrive. The role of a teacher is constantly changing, and at Calrossy we have a strong team who are flexible, agile learners, ready to present the absolute best for your children. It is fitting for us to be thankful at the conclusion of the year, our teachers are outstanding.
It has been a wonderful year, and I am proud of our students. They have embraced endless opportunities, represented the school with pride and honoured the education provided to them. This brings us great joy.
Staff News:
- Mrs Kelly Hitchcock will be resigning from Calrossy at the conclusion of the year. She is taking some very well-deserved Long Service Leave next year and going to undertake some work with North Tamworth Anglican Church. Mrs Hitchcock has been at Calrossy for 14 years and whilst she has taught across the school, she has left an indelible mark on the Prep programme, being known as a gentle and passionate early childhood teacher.
- Ms Summa Key will leave Calrossy at the end of the year. Ms Key has the wonderful opportunity to move her family to the coast and take up a teaching position at Manning Valley Anglican College. Ms Key has taught at Calrossy over the past 22 years influencing the minds of hundreds of children. Her passion for education and the drive she has to see children grow and achieve to the best of their ability will be greatly missed.
- Mrs Sarah Lockrey (Hopkins) will be returning to the Junior School in 2024, after having Maternity Leave in 2023.
Have a wonderful holiday break. Enjoy the Christmas season and new year celebrations.
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School