Message from the Chaplain

Rev Mark Rundle

The Great Christmas Rip-Off?


With all the Christmas advertising and brochures now appearing daily on our TVs, computers, shops (even our letterboxes, still!), I wouldn’t be surprised if, like me, you’re already over it all.  The specials, deals and offers blaring from pages or screens, that try to catch your attention (or, more likely, the attention of your children, if you have them!) – they just become part of the Christmas ‘hype’. What’s more, they can often amount to a big rip-off; because merchants and stores will do whatever they can to convince you to buy their goods or get you into their store…even though what they’re selling you is guaranteed not to last, or give any sort of lasting satisfaction!


At the time of the first Christmas, there were angels “advertising” perhaps the greatest offer of all time: the promise of peace.  You see people still pick up on it today – Christmas cards and posters in shops keep quoting what the angels said: ‘Peace on earth and good will to all people.’  The question is, where is it? If you have a look around the world, can you see the peace?  It’s certainly not in Gaza.  Or in Ukraine. Or in Sudan – or in any of the countries who are involved in the more than 125 armed conflicts that are currently happening all over the world…


Some people try taking this idea seriously.  For example, during World War II, they would call a cease-fire on Christmas Day.  But the next day the guns would be firing again.  Is that the sort of peace that the angels were talking about?  Surely not!  But there’s no doubt about what the angels announced to the shepherds on that first Christmas: ‘peace on earth’.  It was even promised in the Bible, eight centuries beforehand – how this baby was to be called the ‘Prince of Peace’, and that his coming would mean peace and good will to all people.  Were the angels wrong?  Maybe it’s just another Christmas rip-off – a promise that didn’t come true??


Not at all.  Jesus came into the world to bring peace – and he delivered on what was promised.  Romans 5:1 tells us how. ‘Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’  Trust in Jesus means having peace with God – not being alienated from our Maker, nor in conflict with Him.  It’s real, lasting peace – a peace that people everywhere are searching for.  My prayer for you this Christmas, is that you’ll find and know that peace, for yourself.


Rev. Mark Rundle

Calrossy Chaplain



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We are looking forward very much to seeing you at our annual Carols Service this Wednesday, 6th December – 6.30pm at the Bishop Peter Chiswell Hall, William Cowper Campus.  Be there early for a P&F Sausage Sizzle Dinner!  Also, a reminder that this year we are taking up a (cash) collection for the Anglican Christmas Hamper Appeal, which will go to provide food and essentials for people in our region and our Anglican Diocese who have fallen on tough times and aren’t able to enjoy the good things that we are blessed with, in abundance, at Christmas.  Please give generously to support this very worthy cause!



Rev. Mark Rundle

Calrossy Chaplain