From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


As we approach the end of another year, I am filled with gratitude on the incredible journey we have shared together at St Augustine’s. 


At the core of our mission is the spiritual growth of our students. Throughout the year, we have provided numerous opportunities for prayer and reflection. Our religious education programs and liturgical celebrations have allowed our students to deepen their faith and understanding of Catholic values. We are proud to witness the growth of our students who embrace the teachings of Christ and actively live out their faith in their daily lives.


Our students have exhibited exceptional dedication and diligence in their academic pursuits throughout the year. Our wonderful teaching staff have worked tirelessly to cultivate an environment that fosters academic excellence, curiosity and critical thinking. I am pleased to share that our students' achievements in a variety of learning areas have been very positive. 


Our students have excelled not only in the classroom, but also in various extracurricular activities. From sports to the arts, our students have demonstrated exceptional talent. Their commitment to teamwork, discipline and perseverance is a testament to the well rounded education we strive to provide at St Augustine's College.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated staff. Their unwavering commitment to the holistic development of our students is truly commendable. Thank you for your tireless efforts, passion and dedication to the mission of St Augustine's College.


To our parents, thank you for entrusting your children to us. Your partnership and support are invaluable in creating a nurturing and enriching educational environment.


As we bid farewell to this year, let us also look ahead with hope and excitement for the possibilities that the future holds. St Augustine's College will continue to strive for excellence in education, guided by our Catholic values and commitment to nurturing the whole person.


May the joy and peace of the Christmas season fill your homes with love and laughter. Wishing you a blessed holiday season and a Happy New Year!


Jay Sutton
