Orientation Day - Tuesday 12 December 2023

Jennifer Chatfield – Junior School & Transition Leader 

'Get Reddy' Transition Program

‘Get Reddy’ Transition Program - Come and Try Sessions


This week we have began welcoming Grade 6 students, who will be starting year 7 in 2024, onsite as part of our ‘Get Reddy’ Transition Program. The transition from primary school to secondary school is a significant developmental milestone for all students. To ensure our students experience a supportive and successful transition, they have been invited to participate in a series of ‘come and try’ sessions. Students will rotate through a series of activities which will enable them to develop familiarity with the college, teaching staff and new peers, prior to the formal full day Orientation Day on Tuesday 12th December. Students from over 12 different primary schools will participate in activities from the learning areas of science, drama, music, food technology and physical education. 


Save the Date: Orientation Day – Tuesday 12th December

The purpose of Orientation Day is to enable all students to meet their Year Level Co-ordinator and Check-in Teacher, and to familiarise themselves with the Red Cliffs Secondary College environment. All students enrolled in Year 7 in 2024 are expected to attend and specific details will be communicated to families next week regarding our Orientation Day plans. 


We are positive that our new Year 7 students will arrive ready to go in 2024 and we are looking forward to getting to know each one of them! 


If you have any further queries regarding your child’s transition to Red Cliffs Secondary College in 2024, or would like to arrange a meeting to discuss more specific transition needs for your child, you are welcome to contact Jennifer Chatfield (Junior School and Transition Leader) on 50 241 522 or via email jennifer.chatfield@education.vic.gov.au


Jennifer Chatfield – Junior School & Transition Leader 


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