
Energy Breakthrough
Massive congratulations to Team BERT and BALLISTIC for making it across the finish line after 24 hours on the track at Energy Breakthrough!
Awesome efforts from all involved - Team BALLISTIC completed a total of 370 laps of the track covering 584.6km! Team BERT completed 453 laps - 715.74kms. As if that isn’t impressive enough, Team BERT won the Best First Year School (Secondary) Award!
A huge thank you to the fabulous parent support crew helping to keep those wheels rolling from both Edenhope College & Balmoral K-12 Community College & of course to Mr Brennan for making it all happen!
Thank you also to the generous sponsors of the College trike - Bendigo Community Bank - Edenhope & District, Edenhope Butchers, Edenhope Post Office & Gift shop, West Currie Consultants, Jenkins Accounting, Tucker's Auto Care, Slice of Eden, Edenhope Dine Inn.
Watch this space! There are plenty of keen students and parents ready to do it all again next year!!!
2023 Edenhope College Yearbook - Final Call
If you would like to order a 2023 Edenhope College Yearbook, please contact the Office asap. Cost is $25. Alternately please keep an eye out for the order envelopes that have been distributed with students shortly. These books are a great record of activities completed during the school year.
Edenhope Show
Congratulations to everyone who competed in the Edenhope Show in various sections. Edenhope College was very well represented in sections such as cooking, art, craft, calf leading, poultry and many others. Many students won prizes for their work. Of special note some of our students won major awards. Well done to Merrin Doelle on being awarded the Junior Ambassador of the Show and to Chloe Dubois who received the Rising Show Ambassador Award. Well done to all. Special thanks to Diana Savill and Sarah Joubert for the photos.
Year 7 Transititon
On Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th November, our Year 6 students from the College, St Malachys, Apsley and also the College Year 7s had an Experiential Learning Transition Camp at Lake Charlegrark. Students were involved in team building activities as part of the transition process for 2024.
Yarning Circle
The grand opening of the Edenhope College Yarning Circle was an enchanting convergence of culture and community. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of indigenous traditions, the captivating tunes of Mitch Tambo echoed through the air, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of unity and celebration. Uncle Ron led a heartfelt welcome to country, his words weaving a narrative that honoured ancestry and connectedness to the land. The air filled with the aroma of sacred smoke during the poignant smoke ceremony, symbolizing a cleansing and blessing of the space, fostering a profound sense of respect and harmony within all who gathered to mark this significant occasion.
Mrs Cassie Stringer