Community Hub

Ms. Bonnie


Here are some photos from playgroup over the last fortnight. We started making a playgroup banner with our families' handprints! 

We also found out this week our Playgroup mascot's name!! Piper the playgroup magpie!

Our playgroup runs 9-11am on Mondays and Wednesdays through the school term and is for any children 0-5 years old with their parents.


The Garden playgroup

Run by Relationships Australia, The Garden returns to our hub next term starting Tuesday 7th of May. It is a great program to explore music, art, play, movement with your child and get to know them more in a smaller playgroup setting. If you are interested please contact me to book your place!


Women's Fitness

Sessions are Mondays 11:45-12:30pm over at the Kilburn Community Centre - only 2 more weeks left!! 


English Classes update!

Our Tuesday Citizenship class will finish at the end of this term. You are welcome to come to the last few weeks. 



Next term we want to start an English class for beginners on Thursdays 12:30pm-2pm, this class will be easier than our current class and a good place to start if you are new to learning English. If you or anyone you know are interested please contact me to join our waiting list!

Tea and Coffee in the Courtyard;

2:45-3:00pm on Fridays. Join me for a hot drink and a chat while you wait for your children to finish the school day


Need a little help?

If you need help filling in forms, writing resumes, applying for jobs, or getting information about something please book an appointment with me on Wednesday or Friday from 12-2pm and I am happy to help you!


Hub Timetable




Welcoming Centre Community Dinner

Yours in Love, Peace, and Leaning

Bonnie Creek

Community Hub Leader