From the APRIM

Ms. Paula Burns

Holy Week 

Next week is Holy Week, I pray that your Holy Week be a sacred time and may God bless us as we make this journey to Easter Sunday together.


For Holy Week various year levels are completing Holy Week tableaux.

Parents are most welcome to come along and watch these dramatisations of the most significant events in the Catholic tradition.

These will take place each afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30 pm, on the oval, weather permitting. 

After Easter on Tuesday 2nd April, there will be a special whole school Liturgy celebrating this joyous occasion. This will take place on the Oval (weather permitting) at 9:00am

Holy Week Event Class Day 

Palm Sunday Tableaux


Reception and 

Year 1 Classes

Tuesday 26th March 2:30 Oval

The Last Supper including the washing of the feet


Year 5’s

Wednesday 27th March 2:30 Oval

Re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross


Year 6’s

Thursday 28th March–

2:30 Oval

Easter Liturgy

The Resurrection


Some readers from Year 2,3 and 4

Tuesday 2nd April

9:00am Oval

National Closing the Gap Day 2024 - March 21st

On National Closing the Gap Day, we at St Brigid's show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equity, as we value health equity in Australia as a fundamental right for all.


Harmony Day

At St Brigid's we celebrate our beautifully diverse community daily, learning from one another about our different faiths and different cultures. We also take the time during Harmony Week in Australia, to display our culture and heritage through the wearing of traditional dress and/or a 'splash of orange'. This year this will be held on Friday 22nd March. During this day, our year 6 leaders have planned and organised various activities including dances, and games from their cultures to share with their houses.

                   Carnevale and Caritas Carnival


Save the date: 

Carnevale Parade and Caritas Carnival!


Date: Friday 12th April 

Time: 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM

All families welcome


Join us for a morning of fun, joy, and community spirit! 

Start your morning with the vibrant Carnevale parade at 9:00 AM, filled with masks and music! 

Following this, immerse yourself in the heartwarming activities learning about the various people Project Compassion have helped. Bring in the money you have collected in your Project Compassion boxes,  and purchase from the variety of stalls at the Caritas Carnival.


Bring your family along for a morning of laughter and togetherness. The event will begin at 9:00am and conclude approximately at 10:0 AM, and families are welcome to take their children home after.

Don't miss out on this memorable celebration of community and goodwill as we raise funds for charity!

There will also be an Easter raffle $1 per ticket with all proceeds going to Project Compassion. 



Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Paula Burns


Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM)