Assistant Principal's Report 

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week and next week our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will have time to plan for Term 2. These days are important as they enable our teams to utilise student data and student voice to plan engaging sequences of learning for students. On the day your child’s teacher is planning, an alternative specialist timetable will run, allowing children to attend Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Languages and STEM. One of the benefits of planning together is that the learning program in each class is consistent across the cohort. Working together our teachers share their professional knowledge and experience to plan a differentiated teaching and learning program to support and extend students. 


If you have any questions about the alternative timetable, your child’s learning and/or wellbeing, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher. 


Athletics Day

Today our Year 3-6 students participated in our House Athletics. It was fantastic to see the students dressed in their house colours, trying their best and encouraging their peers. It was a great day with many students attempting new sports and achieving personal goals. We are proud of all of our students participating in a range of events and showing confidence and responsibility throughout the day. Thank you to Rocky and the Year 3-6 teachers for coordinating the day and for the number of parent helpers who supported on the day. We wish the students who made it to the next round all the best when competing in our district athletics later in the year.


Principal’s Learning Awards

We will be hosting a special assembly on Thursday 28th of March to announce Term 1’s Principal Learning Award recipients. The Principal’s Learning Award is awarded at the end of every term by the classroom teacher and specialists (Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education, STEM and Mandarin) to celebrate and acknowledge the wonderful achievements of our students. In awarding this our teachers consider how the students display the school values, their motivation and confidence, perseverance and how they work with their classroom teacher and peers to achieve learning goals. 


Cultural/Harmony Day 

On Thursday 21st March we celebrated Harmony Day at BEPS. Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for everyone in Australia. At BEPS we had a wonderful day with students sharing special stories, experiences and mementos from their culture. Everyone looked amazing in their cultural dress or in a splash of orange. 


Thank you to Nadia and Sasha for organising activities for Harmony Day!

Helping Children Handle Conflict

Our school encourages students to use ‘Safe Hands, Safe Feet’ when dealing with conflicts. In the classroom and the school yard we support students to recognise their feelings, remain calm and to talk through their problems. Although as adults we may find it easier to jump in and try to fix the problem, but we want to empower students with effective strategies to resolve conflicts independently. The article ‘Helping Children Handle Conflict’ from the Kids Helpline provides some helpful tips for parents to support their child/ren in managing conflicts.


Parents Association

Our Parents Association has been busy this term supporting our school and planning different experiences for our students. One of those experiences is our first ‘Meal Deal - Sushi Lunch’ Next Wednesday. Orders close on Tuesday 26th of March and information regarding ingredients, available options and costs can be found on Compass. Thank you to Louise for organising and promoting the special lunch for our students. 


Early Dismissal Thursday March 28th – 2:30pm

On the last day of term students will be dismissed at 2:30pm. Students will be dismissed from assembly. If you are not able to collect your child at this time, please make arrangements via Team Kids Out of School Hours Care.


Enjoy the Holidays

Finally, have a safe and happy holiday period. Remember that the school will be accessible over the holidays for family visits, although families should be sure to keep clear of the Team Kids holiday program. 



Teri and Edwina