Supporting Sound Waves Spelling at Home

Supporting Sound Waves Spelling at Home


Students across the whole school have been developing their ability to isolate the sounds in words, and to represent the sounds with appropriate graphemes (letters).


Over the holidays, you might like to allow them to complete some of the interactive activities found at the QR code below using their class code. Please see your child’s teacher if your child has forgotten their class code.

  1. If your child is in Foundation, you might like to start with an interactive game of ‘What’s Missing?’. This is a great memory game as well as a chance to talk a lot about the sounds in words.
  2.  In Years 1-6, a fun activity to begin with is ‘Word Unjumbler’. Your child will be asked to unjumble their focus words to help the duck cross the bridge.

3. Away from the iPad… 

When reading at home, challenge your child to find words in their book with the focus phoneme (sound). How many different graphemes (letter representations) can they find for the sound?


Your little ones will also love playing ‘I Spy’ with you. This is a great way to help your child think about the starting sounds of words, and is also a fun whole family game that can be played anywhere.


Most importantly, keep it fun and celebrate all their wonderful spelling attempts 🙂