Year 4 Smoothie Bar Incursion

On Friday the 15th of March the Year 4 students participated in a Smoothie Bar Incursion. The students collaboratively worked in teams to develop their own smoothie shop, logo, slogan and yummy smoothie which they got to drink. This incursion connected with our Inquiry Investigations Term 1 topic of 'Healthy Communities'. 


Here are some responses from the students about the incursion….

Emily- 'I like how we got to work in teams and choose our own ingredients for our smoothies.'

Karen- 'I liked that we got to try different experiments and different flavours. I loved drinking my smoothie!'

Cyrus- 'I liked my smoothie, it was delicious to eat!'

Patrick- 'I liked how we got to design our smoothie shop, logo and slogan to promote our smoothie.'

Kingsley- 'Our group would use some different ingredients next time to make it taste even better.'

Olivia - 'They let us try the smoothies and we got to play a game at the start.'

Savino - 'We got to make smoothies and match them to a theme.'


Year 4 Teachers and Students