Mio, Maddie and Quinn

What's happening in learning across BBPS?


BBPS is science mad, with literacy and numeracy linked to big ideas in the science topics of - Under the Sea (Prep, Grade 1); Activism (Grade 2); Habitats (Grade 3/4); and Biodiversity (Grade 5/6). 

With a whole school focus on growth in Mathematics, teachers are planning learning experiences around the big ideas of addition and subtraction. Concepts explored across P-6 are:


Prep – Students will develop their number sense by practicing subitising (being able to visualise number groups) and consolidating their ability to trust the count.


Grade 1 – Students will build fluency by exploring a range of addition and subtraction strategies, such as, doubling numbers, adding ten and part-part whole.


Grade 2 – Begin to understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and solve problems using their understanding of place value.


Grade 3/4 - Students choose and apply mental and written strategies to efficiently solve multi-digit operations. They solve more complex word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 and are introduced to adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators.


Grade 5/6 -Students strengthen fluency in multi-digit addition and subtraction, including decimals and fractions. They solve word problems involving multi-step processes and real-world scenarios and explore the associative and distributive properties of addition and subtraction.



Term 1: Some final highlights!





Grade 5 Camp


Stephanie: "A highlight was surfing. There were surfing teachers teaching us how to stand on the board. To practice we had to lie down on the sand and learn how to paddle out and stand up. We also went to the koala park at night. We went to two enclosures. There were four or five koalas in each one and we go to see them really well."


Lucy B: "It was great because you got to get out of your comfort zone. I would not normally do raft building or low ropes. They were both challenging. For rafting we had to go into the water with our clothes on. It definitely wasn't a clean situation, but it was a lot of fun. We had to stay in tents. It wasn't as comfortable as at home, but I'm glad that I got to do it because I've only camped in my back yard before. "



Term 2





Lawrence and Nicola
Lawrence and Nicola

Lawrence "We are playing a game called Get Out of my House. We have a whiteboard with numbers and a line of counters. We get 7 counters each. We take turns to roll the dice and we put the counter on the number. If someone has a counter on the number and someone else rolls the same number they say 'get out of my house' and they get to move into that number."


Nicola "We use coloured match sticks to count the numbers on the dice because they fit in the holes. I like that there are different colours and numbers. I like that sometimes you get to keep a number if you have two counters on the number"



Grades 1 and 2



Grades 3 and 4


Charlie and Sonny  "In art we are making clay into a pot for Mother's day. We really enjoy making things with clay. Soon we will be painting them and we will surprise our Mums with this as a gift."


Grades 5 and 6




Grade 6 exploring our kitchen garden to discover microhabitats


Biodiversity is a topic our grade 6 students have been exploring, getting their hands dirty in our kitchen garden as they investigate the microhabitats that make our school grounds a rich and fertile environment for growing fruit and vegetables. Students have discovered spiders, worms, ladybirds, slater bugs, crows and earwigs in their investigations. 


Gigi: "It was our first time learning about biodiversity. We went outside to explore. We looked at the really little things, including the dirt and the microorganisms that live in it. We were observing creatures like insects and the vegetables they live on and we discovered there is more about the microhabitats than we realised."