
Rehearsals are well underway in Performing Arts this term for our whole school production - Let The Games Begin. Each year level have started learning a song and dance for their scene. The grade 5 and 6 cast are busily rehearsing their lines and will soon be adding props and sets to their scenes.



The whole school production performance will be on:



Robert Blackwood Hall


Make sure to pop this one in your diary! Details about costumes and tickets will be available later in the term.



Poster Competition - due next Friday!

Preps - Zac, Nicola, Harriet, Olivia, Sam, Oliver
Preps - Zac, Nicola, Harriet, Olivia, Sam, Oliver

Students have been invited to create a poster for the production. 

  • A4 size piece of paper
  • Bright and colourful
  • Pictures of character or props from the production eg. cake, building blocks, jungle/trees, dancers, letters 

We will add the title and show information to it after. For more information, chat to Mrs Hellier (Art Teacher)


Parent Helpers!!

Can you help us? We need a few handy people to help build some sets. Please reach out to Sally Wickes for more details -


Thank you to everyone who has offered to help with dancing or costumes so far