Holy Saviour School Bulletin 

Dear Families,


A busy term has come to an end. However, I can truly say it has been a most happy, productive and successful term.  I congratulate all the students for their efforts and progress this term and thank the teachers and support staff for their continual hard work and dedication. I would also like to thank the work of parents who have assisted in so many ways from the work of the SAC, volunteers, and in general a community who consistently put themselves forward for the benefit of the children. Our students and staff are very appreciative of your efforts and I encourage parents to continue their involvement next term and beyond.

Save the Date - St Timothy’s Families Welcome BBQ & Tour

On behalf of the school community, I have invited all families from St Timothy’s to attend a Welcome BBQ and School Tour on Tuesday 23rd April from 6.00pm. It is one of the many transition events we have planned over the next few months, and it would be appreciated if we can have as many Holy Saviour families attend the evening as possible. We will especially require help with the cooking of the BBQ. Please add the date to your diary, there will be a separate notification to RSVP and volunteer your time on the BBQ.

Australia’s Best Teacher

For the second year, News Corp is running its Australia’s Best Teachers campaign, recognising inspirational and innovative educators across the country.


The campaign will launch on Sunday 28th April, calling on the community to nominate teachers who have had an incredible impact on our students and all our lives. A panel of expert judges will then select and announce the top 50 teachers on Sunday 30 June.


Our very own Mrs Jenni Kilkenny was nominated last year. We have amazing teachers at Holy Saviour and I would like to encourage the entire school community to contribute nominations via the following link: www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/australias-best-teachers-campaign-is-back-nominate-now/news-story/f7ded458c472bc3ab10862e6735415df 

Save the Date - Term 2 School Mass & Family Bingo

Our term 2 Family Mass will be celebrated on the first weekend of term 2, Sunday 21st April at 10am. This mass will also be one of the main celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Parish. 


Following the mass there will be a fun, family-friendly and free BINGO event in the multi-purpose hall.  Food and drink provided by the parish.  We’d love to see as many families there as possible.  For catering purposes, please email your RSVP  to the parish committee.  


Please add this date to your diaries. We will also be seeking volunteers for this event in the first week of term 2.

Emmaus College Enrolment Procedures

Many families have asked me what the process will be for enrolling into the new Emmaus P-12 for 2025. All current families do not need to do anything, your current enrolment at Holy Saviour will automatically be transferred to the Emmaus College system at the end of the year. This is also the same for students currently in Year 5, they will be enrolled as Emmaus students in Year 6, and will automatically transfer to Year 7 unless they withdraw their enrolment. All families with Year 5 students in 2024 do not need to follow the normal Year 7 enrolment process if you intend to attend Emmaus College in Year 7.

School Tours & Open Days

Since the announcement of the Emmaus College P-12 beginning next year, I have been swamped with school tours! Next term, we will hold a series of Open Days and an Open evening to welcome any prospective families to our school. A flyer with more information and enrolment processes will be available shortly, in the meantime, please feel free to share the following with anyone you know who wishes to enrol at Holy Saviour/Emmaus College.

  • Tuesday 16th April (Tour at 9.30, then again at 2.30)
  • Tuesday 30th April (Tour at 9.30, then again at 2.30)
  • Wednesday 1st May (Info session at 7pm, followed by a tour)
  • Thursday 16th May (Tour at 9.30, then again at 2.30)

School Sports and Family Picnic

Thank you to all the families and students who attended the combined sports and family BBQ last Friday evening at St Timothy’s. It was a great opportunity for our communities to gather as one, and will be the first of many over the coming terms.

Giant Easter Egg Hunt

What a huge success our Easter Egg Hunt was yesterday morning! We welcomed approximately 25 kinder-aged children from Birralee Preschool and the surrounding area. The children spent a good 30 minutes hunting through the hay trying to find many of the 1000 eggs that were left behind by the Easter Bunny! 

Term 2 School Closure Days

The following days have been advertised as closure days for Term 2, please make sure they are in your diaries:

-Thursday 25th April (ANZAC Day)

-Friday 26th April (MACS directed TIL Day)

-Friday 24th May (Staff Professional Learning & Development Day) 

Easter Raffle

Yesterday we drew the 16 lucky winners of our Easter Egg Raffle!  Congratulations to all the lucky children who took home one of the beautiful Easter egg hamper prizes. A huge thankyou to all the families who purchased tickets and so generously donated Easter items leading up to the raffle. An extra special thank you to Grace Theodoratos who did such an amazing job putting the hampers together! We raised just under $600 which will go towards upgrading our sports equipment. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting our school!   

Stations of the Cross 

This morning, as part of Holy Week, the school was led through the Stations of the Cross by the Years 5 and 6 students. 


The Stations of the Cross is a prayerful walk through the key events of Jesus' death and burial. Well done to the SLC children for doing such a wonderful job with their presentation of the stations.

Mothers Day Stall - Wednesday 8th May

The Holy Saviour School Advisory Council (SAC) will be holding a Mother's Day Stall on Wednesday 8th May. All gifts will be $7 and children are welcome to purchase one or multiple gifts for Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts etc.  


If you would like your child to purchase a Mother's Day gift/s please go to CDFpay to place your order.  Orders MUST be placed by Wednesday 1st May 4pm.

 Mothers Day Assembly & Afternoon Tea

Mother's Day is the perfect time to celebrate all the amazing Mums/Grandmothers/Special Ladies in our community. 


In honor of our Holy Saviour Special Ladies, there will be a Mother's Day Assembly and Afternoon Tea on Monday 13th May from 2.30pm.   


Further Details will be communicated early in term 2! 

New Gaga Pit

The SRC spoke...we listened...and we have built a Gaga Pit on the oval! Basically, Gaga Ball is a variant of dodgeball that is played in a gaga "pit". The children have already put the Gaga Pit to good use and are enjoying lots of entertaining sessions of Gaga Ball! Thank you SRC for your wonderful suggestion.

Second Hand Uniforms

Second hand uniforms are currently set up in the office. If anyone is interested in purchasing a second hand uniform, please either come in and speak with either Sherridan or Kerry oremail the office with your request and sizing requirements and we will check to see if the item is available. If it is, we will notify you. All we charge for second hand uniforms is a gold coin donation.  Please note however that not all sizes and items will be in stock.

2024 Sacramental Program

All the dates for the 2024 Parish Sacramental Program have been set. Please add the following dates to your diaries if you are wanting your child to receive either of these sacraments. All sacraments will be celebrated at St Christopher’s in 2024.


First Eucharist

Presentation of Candidates: Sunday 5th May, 10.30am

Family Evening: Thurs 23rd May, 7.00pm

Reflection Day: Wed 29th May, 9.00am-3.00pm

Sacrament of First Eucharist: Sunday 2nd June, 2.00pm


Sacrament of Confirmation – Celebrated again in 2025

Excel Music Lessons At Holy Saviour

Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications

Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.

Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2024 starting Year 7 in 2026

The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2024 who will be starting Year 7 in 2026 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).

The timeline of events and dates are as follows:

Monday 29th January 2024 – Applications open for students commencing Year 7 in 2026.

Friday 16th August 2024 – Applications will close.

Friday 18th October 2024 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

Friday 8th November 2024 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.

Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.


Kind regards



Mr Steve Evans
