Kinder/Year 1

K/1 have been celebrating Jesus’ rising this week. We have heard the recounts of witnesses to this crucial event. We looked at Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the Resurrection. The women go back from the empty tomb and tell the disciples. In this account, there is a lot of movement. The Gospel gives the impression that it was an eventful day, full of excitement, wonder and confusion. It is also the beginning of a number of appearances by Jesus, which we will listen to next. The children will come to know that Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive. He spent time with his beloved friends. However, like the disciples, they will hopefully spend the rest of their lives wondering about the Resurrection.
S1.2 Recall and apply basic knowledge and understanding of Jesus and His teaching. (S1Y1C Easter Season: Jesus is Alive )
S1.7 Demonstrate familiarity with some formal prayers and compose and pray simple prayers of thanks, praise and sorrow. (S1Y1C Easter Season: Jesus is Alive)
K/1 are very excited about their upcoming incursion on Thursday. A reminder that gumboots are encouraged, and if anyone has a 2-4 man tent available for the day, we would love to use it!