Community Reading Day

This coming Monday the 8th is our annual Community Reading Day hosted by our wonderful local library.
Regular uniform is to be worn, but… students may wear ANY SOCKS THEY WOULD LIKE! THE CRAZIER THE BETTER!!!
Our school will travel an adventure filled path to the library with challenges along the way (look out staff at the council chambers - it’s going to get loud!) On arrival at the library at 10 am our students will be involved in a myriad of activities celebrating reading and books with creative responses.
They will also be treated to a sausage sizzle for lunch along with apples for snacks. So this means NO LUNCH ORDERS on Monday. Please make sure your children still bring munch n crunch and recess for this day.
Students will return to school to resume learning early afternoon.
Gluten free sausages and bread will be available to those students who request it. If your children have any other dietary requirements, please provide their own food and contact the school by 9am Monday morning to ensure it is taken to the library for lunch.
Thanks to our local librarian Vicki Hulm, her staff and all other Snowy Valleys Council Staff involved in this event, all local schools for their input, along with Rotary, Road Traffic Services, IGA, KidsXpress, Ashleigh Weule, Jade Drew and Snowy Hydro Education Team for making this event happen.