Easter Races

How lucky were our students to have the opportunity to reimagine the traditional Easter Hat Parade into more valuable educational outcomes once again?! Our annual Easter Robotics Challenge was the most successful yet. Observing students in K-6 classes working collaboratively to solve multiple design challenges was a delight to watch. Creating a lego vehicle, programming said vehicle, detailing and constructing an egg carrying basket, designing and constructing lego eggs… the possibilities were endless.
However, the end goal was to collect as many eggs as possible, and collect they did! All of the eggs were removed from the nest and divided equally among all successful teams. No one went home empty handed. This was a testament to the not only the skills of our students learned during technology lessons, but the ability of our students to work together, support each other, overcome challenges and persevere. All staff were impressed with integrity your children displayed completing this challenge.
Thank you to Mr Larose for all of the organision for this this event. What a wonderful way to lead into Easter!