From the Classroom

Year 5/6 News
This term, year 5 and 6 students have been planning and drafting an illustrated narrative with a particular audience as their focus. This audience was the year 3 and 4 students. The senior students met with a buddy from another class and discussed their interests and what they like to read about.
The next step was to draft a story to make sure that it is engaging and appropriate to the younger audience. This did not mean just writing a basic story. What a challenge!
Moving forward, students revised their work focusing on the goal they set for editing. Peer editing is one of the last steps in the writing process, where they share and showcase their writing with a partner.
Finally, students will publish their piece as a picture storybook. A copy will be presented to their year 3/4 buddy. We can't wait to see the finished books. WATCH THIS SPACE!!