Religious Education News
Dear Families,
I hope you will find some time in the afternoon on Monday or Tuesday and visit our Stages of Holy Week Exhibition next week. We are fast approaching Holy Week, our most sacred event in the Church. It is a time to think about our Lenten promises and prepare for the joyous resurrection of Christ.
John 3:16 is a verse from the Bible that describes God's love for the world. It says that "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". This verse is often considered the love verse of the Bible and defines the greatest love of all that God has for mankind.
The year 4 students are preparing for their Reconciliation and this verse describes the boundless love of God and that He will always forgive us if we are truly sorry in our hearts. I think at times it is harder for us to forgive ourselves and accept God’s unconditional love. It is comforting to know that no matter how alone we feel God is always there for us.
I wish you a Happy Easter with your families and friends and may you feel renewed and uplifted during this time.
Vicky Pejic
Religious Education Leader