From Mrs David's Desk


THURSDAY 28th March (1pm)


Dear Families,


As Term 1 2024 draws to a close let's take a moment to reflect on the the past 8 weeks.


A Sense of Welcome

Our year started with over 60 new students and their families joining our community for the first time. We have had a number of events to ensure that these families experience a sense of belonging to our Holy Family School and Parish community.

  • Welcome Drinks
  • Prep Welcome Mass
  • Welcome Dinner
  • Community Colour Run

Curriculum and Behaviour Changes

In terms of curriculum, the staff are preparing lessons based on the evidence provided by the Science of Learning research which is being supported by our Behaviour Curriculum.


Students now enter and exit learning spaces and the playground in a safe and orderly manner. They have designated 'sit spots' on the floor and at desks in the classrooms for all classes and are aware of the importance of being ready to learn. The school will continue to implement further behaviour expectations to maximise student learning time and reduce distractions to student learning.


Catholic Education Week Celebrations

Last week all Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne celebrated Catholic Education Week. The theme for this week was 'In the Light of Christ'.


Student were encouraged to think of ways they can bring light to the lives of others in the way that Jesus did. They created footsteps leading them to the Book of Gospels in the foyer and lanterns to shine light on these footsteps.


Some of our Year 6 Student Leaders attended the St. Patrick's Mass at the Cathedral last Friday and joined in the celebrations with student leaders from over 300 schools.



Caritas Fundraising (last opportunity)

I strongly encourage all students to donate a gold coin for Caritas and write a prayer on the waterdrop in the foyer. This theme of this year's Project Compassion Fundraising is 'For All Future Generations'. 

Please click on the links to see how your gold coin donation can change the lives of so many.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Our Year 4 students are receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation this afternoon. 


Please keep their teachers and families in your prayers as they continue to embark on their Sacramental Journey.


Victorian Association of Catholic Primary School Principals (VACPSP) Conference

This week Miss King and myself have had the privilege of listening to inspirational speakers sharing their stories around the theme of 'strength'.


Craig Foster - shared his stories about how he supports and helps refugees. He also spoke about racism and discrimination in our community and that the way we treat others impacts how they will behave.


Mitch Tambo - shared his story of growing up as an Aboriginal boy and not really feeling like he belonged anywhere. He spoke about the impact his secondary school Principal had on him and his future direction. He saw something special in Mitch and fostered this talent.


Saroo Brierley - he wrote the story 'A Long Way Home' andis the person the movie 'Lion' is based on. Saroo shared his story of being alone in Calcutta at the age of 5 and his journey back to India to find his mum. This was a moving story about hope and determination and the bond between a mother and her children.


Jelena Dokic - she was the final storyteller today. She spoke about growing up in the public eye while experiencing abuse at the hands of her own father. Jelena said the treatment received from her father took away her feelings of self worth and belief. She said that she doesn't blame anyone or hate anyone for the abuse she received growing up.

She made it very clear that it is not normal to abuse anyone whether it be online or face to face.

Jelena said that we have to shatter the myth of perfection. Perfection is unattainable.

Jelena said it is important to have that one person in your life that believes in you and what you can do. Todd Woodbridge is that person for Jelena. He has been beside her since she retired from tennis and challenged her to say 'yes' to everything as she worked out what she was going to do after tennis.

Jelena's core values moving forward are kindness, grace, dignity and gratitude.


Everyone has to feel like they belong!


I feel extremely privileged to have met and listened to these inspirational speakers. Each an incredible person in their own right.



Stages of Holy Week

Families are invited to come to school and experience the stages of Holy Week created by our students from Prep to Year 6. These  displays will be set up around the school for you to walk through, read, pray or reflect at your own pace.


Prep-Year 2 families can view the Stages of Holy Week on Monday 25 March from 2:30-3:00pm.


Year 3-6 families can view the Stages of Holy Week on Tuesday 26 March from 2:30-3:00pm.


On Thursday 28 March, we will have a paraliturgy for Holy Thursday in the church at 12pm.  


Save the Date

Next term there are 2 important events happening for parents and families which I would like you to note on your calendars.

  • Meet the Staff Leadership Team (coffee cart and muffins) Tuesday 30th April (9-10am)
  • Curriculum Family Evening (Literacy and Mathematics) Tuesday 7th May (6-7pm)

More details will follow early next term.


2025 Enrolments Open

A reminder to our existing families that enrolments are now open for the 2025 school year.

Please come into the office to receive an enrolment form from Tracey or Rana.


Open Days

Our Open Days are continuing throughout this term.


Please let your friends and family know about these days and times if they would like to visit our school with the possibility of joining our Holy Family community.





Sporting News

Congratulations to Austin Miller for the following results at the Little Athletics Victorian State Championships last week.

  • 1st - long jump and discus
  • 2nd - 100 metres sprint
  • 3rd - 200 meter multiclass

Our community is very proud of you!

Easter Raffle

We will be running an Easter Raffle the last week of Term 1 and asking families to donate some Easter Chocolate (bunnies, small eggs, big eggs anything chocolate!!!) if you can for our raffle.

Please drop all donations to the office by Friday 23rd March 3pm.Thanks in advance for your support.


Parents and Friends Committee


2024 School Year (please remember to refer to our Google Calendar)

Term 1


Friday 22nd - EMR Swimming

Friday 22nd - Summer Sport Gala (Year 5/6)

Sunday 24th - Palm Sunday

Monday 25th- Stages of Holy Week (Prep-Year 2)

Tuesday 26th - Stages of Holy Week (Years 3-

Wednesday 27th - Open Day

Thursday 28th - Whole School Paraliturgy (12pm)

Thursday 28th - Holy Thursday (final day of Term 1) Students finish at 1pm


Term 2


Monday 15th - Term 2 commences

Friday 19th - House Cross Country

Monday 22nd - Dental Van arrives

Thursday 25th - ANZAC Day (Public Holiday)

Friday 26th - School Closure Day (Staff Day)

Tuesday 30th - Staff Leadership/Parent Morning Tea (9-10am)



Wednesday 1st - Parents and Friends Meeting (TBC)

Friday 3rd - Winter Sport Round Robin

Tuesday 7th - Curriculum Evening (Mathematics & Literacy) All levels (6-7pm)

Friday 10th - District Cross Country

Wednesday 15th - School Photos (Winter uniform)

Wednesday 15th - School Advisory Council Meeting (6pm)

Friday 17th - Winter Sport Round Robin

Friday 17th - Year 4 Avila/Salesian Experience Day

Sat 18th/Sun 19th - Eucharist Commitment Masses

Mon 20th-Wed 22nd - Year 3/4 Sovereign Hill Camp

Wednesday 22nd - National Simultaneous Storytime 

Thursday 23rd - Fire Carriers Commissioning Ceremony

Friday 24th - School Closure Day

Monday 27th - Reconciliation Week (Now More Than Ever)

Wednesday 29th - Division Cross County

Friday 31st - Winter Sport



Sunday 2nd - First Eucharist Mass (10am)

Wednesday 5th - Parents and Friends Meeting (TBC)

Thursday 13th - EMR Cross Country

Friday 14th - Winter Sport Gala Day

Friday 28th - Term 2 finishes (1pm)



Wishing everyone a safe and Holy Easter break,  


Julie David (Principal)