Wurrin News - Year 9

email:   year9@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4800

Morrisby Profiling beginsWeek of Monday 29th April
Grade 5 and 6 Information eveningWednesday 8th May, 5.30 - 7.30 pm
Autumn concert - Boucher hallThursday 9th May 7.00 pm
Course selection and careers Expo (2025 Year 8 to 12)Thursday 29th May (more details to come)

Students at Work!

At the end of Term 1, Year 9 German class made German Easter eggs - decorated with paint- for Östern. They chose a tree at the school and hung their eggs on it. This is called an Osterbaum (Easter tree) 

Year 9 Wide World of Food class this week had their Mediterranean CAT cook where they spent some time researching a Mediterranean country of their choice and the culinary history of that country. They then had to find a recipe, submit an order for ingredients and then prepare their own dish.


Weston and Nick made Moroccan chicken and cous cous.

Tas made French custard tarts with fresh fruit.

Darwinia and Dash made spicy Turkish dumplings that were DELICIOUS!!

Weston, Nick
Weston, Nick

Snowy River School for Student Leadership 

On Thursday 21st March, Ms Schneider and Steph from the Year 9 Hub visited the students at the Snowy River School for Student Leadership Camp.


This visit was to hear the Community Learning Project presentations from all students at the camp.


We are extremely proud of our students and their Community Learning Project. 


During our time at the Snowy River Campus, we were tasked to make a Community Learning Project (CLP). A CLP is a project that is to bring your local community together. Our CLP is an art Mural in town, with the help of local companies, schools, and community clubs, we will be giving each group that we have selected a piece of our mural in the shape of a puzzle piece. Once the puzzle pieces have been given to clubs, we will be giving the schools and clubs guidelines of what we would like to see on the puzzle pieces. Once these puzzle pieces have been completed, we will be holding an event where we encourage members of our school and our local community to come along and see the unveiling of this mural on the 10th of August on our Wallace Street Oval. When the puzzles are assembled, the mural will represent how our community connects with each other. We will be encouraging clubs and schools to show off their Past, Present, and Future in the town of Bairnsdale. 


If you or a family member have something cool about our town history or just a fun fact! We encourage you to please contact us at clpteam@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au so then we can put these into our unveiling ceremony.


The BSC CLP Team

Term 2 Assembly

In Week 1 we welcomed our students back by holding an assembly in the Forge Theatre.


This assembly was to remind our students about the Morrisby Profile, welcome our School for Student Leadership students back, introduce our Year 9 student leaders - Melissa and Ryley - and to also remind our students of the expectations for Term 2.

ANZAC Day Ceremony

Four of our Year 9 classes had the honour of attending our College ANZAC ceremony on Monday 24th April.  


Our College Captains were responsible for the development and hosting of the ANZAC Ceremony.  Our College Captains spoke of what ANZAC days means to them and gave us an appreciation of the great sacrifice thousands of men and woman have made for our country.


Thank you to students and all staff members who attended our Anzac Day ceremony.

Morrisby Profile

Our Year 9 students will be commencing the Morrisby Profile Week 3.


Morrisby involves students completing a series of questions and quizzes to learn about what skills and abilities they could bring to a job, find out about what jobs match their abilities, interests and personality, and the subjects they will need for those jobs.


Consent forms will need to be returned to the hub before Tuesday 30th April.


Pre-loved uniform 

Our hub accepts BSC uniform in good condition. Please drop anything you have to the  Admin office or our hub.  Thanks very much.