Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Grade 5 and 6 Information eveningWednesday 8th May, 5.30 - 7.30 pm
Autumn concert - Boucher hallThursday 9th May, 7.00 pm
Course selection and careers Expo (2025 Year 8 to 12)Thursday 29th May (more details to come)

Medieval Day

On Monday 25th March, 75 Year 8 students participated in Medieval Day. Students were able to dress up in armour, shoot a bow and arrow, fire a trebuchet, play medieval games, make chain mail or braid. Thanks to the East Gippsland Historical Society Volunteers for putting on an excellent day to further deepen the students understanding of Medieval Day. 

Reconciliation Wall

In celebration of Reconciliation Week, students at our school are embarking on a powerful project to foster unity and understanding. Inspired by the theme of reconciliation, our Year 8 cohort is inviting artists to submit designs for a vibrant mural to be displayed in our open space. This mural will serve as a lasting symbol of our commitment to reconciliation and will reflect what this journey means to us as a student community. If you're passionate about art and the message of reconciliation, we encourage you to join us in this meaningful endeavour. Visit us at the hub to submit your design, and together, let's create a masterpiece that will inspire reflection and connection for years to come.

Year 8 Camp

More information to come.

Pre-loved uniform 

Our hub accepts BSC uniform in good condition. Please drop anything you have to the  Admin office or our hub.  Thanks very much.