Wargomerrin - Year 7

email:   year7@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Grade 5 and 6 Information eveningWednesday 8th May, 5.30 - 7.30 pm
Autumn concert - Boucher hallThursday 9th May, 7.00 pm

Highlighting 7D


What a fantastic team 7D is building. These kids are funny, cooperative and respectful of each other and the staff at BSC. It has been a pleasure getting to know them over the last term. In English, students have been learning how to enhance their already strong creative writing skills, as well as improving reading skills through online platforms, fluency and speed games, sustained reading, and explicit teaching of comprehension strategies. In Maths recently we have been working on problem solving in perimeter and area, which has stumped quite a few students. The ‘thinking face’ (my favourite thing) has been prevalent in the last week! 


This week we will be starting a Money and Financial Mathematics project. Students will design and build a food truck (yes – actually build it out of cardboard!) and complete all the maths involved in such a venture, including measurement, scale and ratio, pricing of menus, design of truck and kitchen interior, marketing and sales. I cannot wait to see their learning throughout this project! It’s going to be a good fun, rich and challenging task. Happy learning, 7D!



7D has been working on a Lip Sync challenge and are having a ball. They’ve picked some fantastic songs and are starting to put some great dance moves and costumes together. An energetic and supportive bunch, they excel in the drama space.



In Humanities 7D have been studying how water connects and affects places. 

They have discussed how the use of the Mitchell River has changed during Pre-European Indigenous use, the 1880s - 1920s- The Paddle Boat Era, and today.



7D are working on their fabric tree to practice their cutting skills before being let loose on their fabric apron.



7D have begun a new topic this term called Forces. We began by learning what a force is and the different type of forces. Students then used a spring balance to measure how much force is needed to move an object. From here we will investigate the effect of friction on movement, and we will also be making mouse trap racers to see who can design and create the racer that will go the furthest distance.

Artworks - 7G


Congratulations Nakita

A huge congratulations to Bairnsdale Secondary College Year 7 student Nakita who represented our College at the Equestrian Victoria Interschool State Championships held in Werribee in the school break. 


Nakita came home with overall 1st place in the 1 metre show jumping event with her new horse Narnie.


Nakita competed each day of the 3 day competition on 3 horses and received:

- 2 x 4th places

- 3rd place

- 5th place

- 1st place and

- overall high school champion!


Nakita will now be competing in Tamworth in September at the Interschool Nationals, representing Team Victoria.


Congratulation to Nakita and her team. An amazing result. We are super proud!

Pre-loved uniform 

Our hub accepts BSC uniform in good condition. Please drop anything you have to the  Admin office or our hub.  Thanks very much.