

phone: 5150 4800

How do I know if I have an overdue book?

Did you know you can check your current loans from any device connected to the internet?


Go to: Bairnsdale Secondary College Library ( and login by clicking on the drop down in the top right corner next to 'Guest'. Click on the blue button 'Login via SSO' and use your compass username and password. If you're already logged in on the device, you won't need to log in again.


From here you can see your current loans, including when they are due. You can also browse the catalogue, reserve books and request a new book we may not have.


Library staff can also help you with all of these things as well.


If your library loan is more than a week overdue, you will receive an email reminder sent to your school email address. If it is more than 3 weeks overdue then the overdue notice will be sent to both student and parent email addresses.

The Great School Magazine cleanout

Missing a Kinaway from your collection of Yearbooks?

Interested in a copy of The Swan or The Riverside from 30 or 40 years ago?


Library staff have been sorting through many boxes of archived School magazines, or Yearbooks, most of which have been in storage. These were in excess to our current catalogued collection.


Consequently, there are many available for the taking for staff, students, parents, anyone in the community really!


If you are interested, please visit the College and make your request to the Admin staff at Reception. Alternatively, please email Library staff:


What we have available:

Kinaway (Bairnsdale Secondary College) - 1992 - 2022

The Riverside (Bairnsdale Technical School) - 1981 - 1991

The Swan (Bairnsdale High School) - 1965 - 1991