School Counsellor


It’s not unusual for students sometimes to feel nervous, worried, or anxious about going to school. But for some, these feelings can be overwhelming and may build up until they result in school refusal.

School refusal is a complex issue that impacts a growing number of students and their families, and it can be a challenging experience for everyone involved, including educators.

By understanding the different signs and underlying causes of school refusal, educators and the students’ families are better placed in an informed and supportive way.

What is school refusal?

School refusal is when a student becomes very emotionally distressed or anxious about going to school, to the point that they refuse to attend.

The signs of school refusal can vary from frequent absenteeism and lateness to health complaints and repeated requests to go home. The causes are just as varied and complex and include mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, academic difficulties, peer issues and major life events.

School refusal isn’t concealed and comes from the student’s belief that they can’t cope with attending school. 

Examples: Signs include: 

  • high levels of absenteeism
  • frequent lateness to school
  • absence or lateness to school after weekends, holidays, school camps or sports days
  • extended or periodic absences from school, without explanation or justification
  • frequent health complaints, such as stomach aches, headaches, dizziness, or fatigue
  • repeated requests to go to the sick bay.
  • repeated requests to go home from school or to call home.
  • absences on significant days (e.g. days with tests, speeches, sports events, or when a certain class is timetabled).


Keep in mind that these signs might also be caused by health issues.

What are the causes?

School refusal can be related to:

  • mental health conditions, such as anxietydepression, OCD or PTSD
  • major life events, such as parental separation or divorce, illness, moving, being away from family, exposure to family violence, or grief over the death of a loved one
  • peer issues, such as bullying, social isolation or friendship conflicts.
  • conflicts or difficulties with educators
  • academic problems or learning difficulties.
  • anxiety around performance or assessment, such as tests, speeches, or sports days
  • life-stage transitions, such as starting secondary school or moving to a new school.
  • Accessibility to technology at home

What happens if a student refuses to go to school?

  • If a student is refusing to go to school, it can have major impacts on their social development, mental health and wellbeing, and academic progress.
  • Parents and carers may also experience stigma, as school refusal isn’t often recognised as a real issue. They might also have to take time off work, reduce their hours, or even leave their jobs, which can have a significant impact on their finances, wellbeing, and family relationships.
  • In Australia, school attendance is a legal requirement for all school-aged children.