English News

Mr Nick Criniti - Coordinator

Fostering English skills over the School Holidays

Dear Parents,


As we embark upon the school holidays, we want to ensure that our students continue to nurture their academic growth even outside the classroom. With English being a cornerstone of education, we believe it's crucial for students to engage in meaningful revision activities during this time. Here are some suggestions to keep your child's English skills sharp over the break:

1. Reading Challenge: Encourage your child to participate in a reading challenge. Set a goal for them to read a certain number of books or pages over the holidays. Provide a variety of reading materials such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and articles to cater to different interests.


2. Creative Writing Prompts: Spark your child's imagination by giving them creative writing prompts. These can be anything from writing a short story or poem to crafting a diary entry from the perspective of a historical figure or a fictional character.



3. Vocabulary Building: Dedicate some time each day to learn new words. You can use vocabulary flashcards, online word games, or simply explore the meanings of unfamiliar words encountered during reading sessions. Encourage your child to use these words in their everyday conversations.


4. Grammar and Punctuation Practice: Review grammar rules and punctuation marks through fun activities such as quizzes, puzzles, or grammar games available online. Make it a collaborative effort by engaging in grammar-related discussions during family meals or outings.


5. Journaling: Encourage your child to maintain a journal throughout the holidays. They can write about their daily experiences, thoughts, and reflections. Journaling not only improves writing skills but also serves as a therapeutic outlet for self-expression.


6. Educational Apps and Websites: Explore educational apps and websites that offer interactive English lessons and activities tailored to different age groups. These resources make learning engaging and accessible, allowing your child to reinforce their English skills in a fun way.


7. Language Immersion: If possible, incorporate English into daily activities such as cooking together and following recipes in English, watching informative documentaries or TV shows, or engaging in discussions with your children around key ideas or events.

Remember, the key to effective English revision is consistency and variety. Encourage your child to explore different aspects of the language while keeping the learning experience enjoyable and rewarding.

We hope these suggestions will help you support your child's English revision efforts over the school holidays. Together, let's continue to foster a love for learning and language development in our students.

Wishing you a restful and productive holiday break!

Warm regards,


Nick Criniti

