Mathematics News

Ms Nellie Girgenti

Mathematics Coordinator 

Dear Parents,


As we approach our well-deserved holidays, I encourage you to keep the mathematical momentum going! While relaxation and play are crucial during this time, there are many opportunities to incorporate maths into your child's holiday activities in fun and engaging ways.

Here are some ideas to keep those mathematical gears turning during the break:


  • Cooking Adventures: Involve your child in cooking or baking sessions. Recipes provide excellent opportunities for practising measurements, fractions, and basic arithmetic. From measuring ingredients to adjusting serving sizes, there is a world of mathematics hiding in the kitchen!
  • Nature Walks and Scavenger Hunts: Take advantage of the outdoors by going on nature walks or scavenger hunts. Encourage your child to count different types of flowers, categorise leaves by shape or size, or estimate the number of steps to reach a certain destination. It's a great way to explore nature while sharpening math skills.
  • Board Games and Puzzles: Break out the board games and puzzles! Many games involve strategic thinking, counting, and probability. Classics like Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, and Uno are entertaining and educational. Additionally, puzzles like Sudoku or Tangrams can boost problem-solving abilities.
  • DIY Projects: Get creative with DIY projects that involve measurement and geometry. Activities such as building a birdhouse, constructing a fort, or designing a miniature city provide opportunities for hands-on activities that help children visualise mathematical concepts in real-world scenarios.
  • Mathematical Story Time: Explore mathematical concepts through literature. There are numerous children's books that incorporate math in engaging narratives. Reading counting books for younger children or stories about shapes, patterns, and even mathematical adventures can spark curiosity and discussion about mathematics, 
  • Technology and Maths Apps: Utilize educational apps and online resources, such as Mathseeds and Mathletics to make learning math interactive and enjoyable. These maths-focused apps allow children to practice basic arithmetic, explore geometry, or delve into problem-solving puzzles and are a valuable tool for reinforcing mathematical skills.

The goal is not to overwhelm your child with formal maths lessons during the holidays but to integrate maths seamlessly into everyday activities playfully and enjoyably into holiday adventures. This will help to keep your child's skills sharp and foster a positive attitude towards Mathematics.

Wishing you a safe, fun-filled and mathematically enriching school holiday time.


Warm regards,


Ms Nellie Girgenti

Coordinator and Year 4 teacher