Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal 

Dear Parents


As we come to the end of another wonderful term here at St Francis Xavier, it is with great pride and gratitude that I reflect on the journey we have undertaken together. The past few months have been filled with academic achievements, creative endeavours and moments of growth and discovery for our students.


To our students, I commend you for your determination, resilience, and enthusiasm in your continuing growth across all areas of the curriculum. Your curiosity and eagerness to learn are the driving forces behind our school's vibrant learning environment.



To our parent community, thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. Your involvement, encouragement, and trust in our school community play an integral role in the success of our students.



As we look forward to the upcoming break, let us take this opportunity to rest, recharge and rejuvenate. May it be a time of relaxation and quality time spent with our families and loved ones. Let us return refreshed and ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that Term Two will bring.

God bless and safe holidays,

