

Aussie of the Month

Final Women in Sport Session

Playdough Fun

Student's Student of the Week - 15/03/2024

Congratulations to Lindsay who received this award for helping others and making them feel happy and working hard


Staff's Student of the Week - 15/3/ 2024 

The Staff's Student of the Week was not presented this week.

Children sing Advance Australia Fair at their Friday Assembly
Children sing Advance Australia Fair at their Friday Assembly


Student's Student of the Week - 22/03/2024

Awarded to Chaise Gibson for being helpful, kind and patient.



Staff's Student of the Week - 22/03/2024

Congratulations to Charney Gibson for assisting classmates to follow instruction



Aussie of the Month 

For March the value of the month is TEAMWORK - Working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group and doing one's share.


Charney Gibson was the recipient for this month.


Charney - Aussie of the Month Teamwork
Charney - Aussie of the Month Teamwork


Centacare - Women in Sport

Ally finished up the Women in Sport 6 week program with a whole school inclusive team building sport afternoon.  The girls were presented with a completion certificate and a couple of treats!! We thank Ally for her energy and efforts with the girls.  Centacare kindly donated a set of junior netball hoops to the school which we have set up and have already enjoyed using.



Playdough Education and Fun!