English News
Week 8
Holiday Reading Challenge
In week 10 students will bring home a holiday reading challenge. Students are encouraged to read every day of the holidays. Students will need to return the challenge in week 1 to their classroom teachers. If they have participated and parents have signed the challenge they will go into the draw to win a $20 Harry Hartogs Book Voucher. There will be an infants and primary prize.
Years 3-6
Suggestions for Home Reading for Stage 2 and Stage 3 Students
Developing a love of reading and reading regularly for enjoyment are highly important to the development of students' reading skills, vocabulary and overall understanding of language.
As children grow and develop specific interest areas, finding suitable, captivating texts for reading can be challenging. Here is a list of websites that can assist in finding suitable texts for reading. We encourage students to visit their local library and borrow some books that they are interested in. Students can also use their Sutherland Shire Library card to access the online library of Ebooks and Audiobooks. The app ‘Libby’ can be downloaded for free to access this.
Children’s Book Council of Australia - Visit the website and view the shortlisted and award winning books from over the years under the ‘Book of the Year’ tab. https://cbca.org.au/shortlist-2024
Reading Australia Book List -
NSW Premiers Reading Challenge Book List - https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/booklist/listBooksByTitle.html?letter=A&levelId=5
Inspiring Biographies and Memoirs https://www.weareteachers.com/best-biographies-for-teens/
Books for tweens (ages 9-12) - https://www.readbrightly.com/ages-stages/tween/
Books to inspire coding and robotics -http://tinkeringchild.com/bookstoinspirecodingrobotics/
Must read books by Aboriginal/ Torres Strait Islander Authors-
Books to Build Empathy- http://fcbg.org.uk/read-for-empathy/
Books for reluctant readers - http://mumlyfe.com.au/book-series-for-reluctant-readers/
Funny Books - http://www.readbrightly.com/hands-funniest-books-kids-according-authors/
Soundwaves Spelling - Years 3-6
The next two weeks Years 3-6 will be covering units:
Kim Hill
Years 3-6 English Coordinator
K-2 English Update
Last chance to add your name to the expression of interest doc below if you missed the phonics/reading information night and would like to attend one.
If there is enough interest we will run one more session.
PHONICS This week…
Week 8: Consolidate s a t p i n nn (sat sap sip sin tap tin tip tan pat pit)
Week 9: Consolidate s a t p i n nn (nap pan pin pit sit tap pat)
Week 10: Consolidate s a t p i n nn (sap sat tip nip Nan)
Year 1
Week 8: sh ch th (ship shop shed fish rush crash chop such much rich thin moth think)
Week 9: ng (ring sing thing wing bring bang swing long song spring string)
Week 10: soft g and c (gem gent gel gentle cent cell cement citrus)
Year 2
Week 8: er: ur ir or er ear (heard search earth early pearl)
Week 9: ie: igh i-e y (fight fright light bike like hike cry dry fry)
Week 10: ie: igh i-e y ie i (crying trying rely reply deny pie die lie tie tried spied fried kind mind)
Kate Gill
K-2 English Coordinator