Child Safety / 

Pastoral Wellbeing


This week’s whole school focus is on 'Hands to Self'. Teachers will be explicitly teaching the routine to children on the expected behaviours when children are playing outside at break times. Teachers will follow the principles of PBIS (Positive Behaviours Interventions & Supports) by:

Teach - Teach the appropriate skills and behaviours

Model - Model to students the appropriate skills and behaviours

Practise - Practise by acting out role plays

Acknowledge - Teachers will acknowledge students when they demonstrate the behaviours by positive reinforcement

Correct - By extra social skill instruction where needed.


Our behaviour tracking data continues to show that our children are making good choices at school which is so pleasing to see.  By teaching expectations through PBIS and using precorrections our students are responding appropriately.


Happy Families. Schools

Parenting on the Same Page



Why parents should consider not sharing photos of their children online


Respectful Relationships