Year 6 Update

Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkina Wills
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil
Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkina Wills
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil

Upcoming learning Term 3, Weeks 4 & 5

During the next fortnight, Year 6 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Reading:  Students are reading and researching all things Olympics!


Writing: Students are working on information reports about their Olympic country.


Maths: Students are competing in Potato Olympic sports that include rolling, archery, diving, relay and much more. Students are using their knowledge of number and measurement to work out average scores, ordering decimals, measuring using cm, measuring using mL and converting measurement. 


Inquiry: Students are learning about democracy.


S.E.L:  Students are learning about racism.


Term Homework: This term, the Year 6 students are working on their Family Suitcase project.


Reading Homework: Students are expected to read every night and log this in their diary with a signature from a parent/carer. These are to be handed into the teacher weekly.

News and Reminders:

Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room.


Devices: Please remind your child to charge their device each night so that they are able to use it in class.


6B Potato Olympics 

6C Potato Olympics


Rolling and Archery 

6D & 6E Potato Olympics



Year 6 Kindness Award

Congratulations to Kashvin who was nominated from his peers for our weekly Kindness Award!

Star Students of the week 

Congratulations to the students who were nominated by their classroom teachers for displaying one or all of our school values of Kindness, Respect and Resilience in the last fortnight.