Year 5 Update
Upcoming Learning for Term 3, Weeks 4&5
- Reading - To understand the history of the modern Olympics, the traditions and researching an Olympian.
- Writing- To plan, research, draft and publish a letter to an Olympian.
- Maths- To plan and budget a trip to Paris.
- Inquiry- To develop our understanding of Indigenous culture and key events in history.
- Social and Emotional Learning-To explore the concept of racism and how to respond to it.
Upcoming Events
'Maybe a Miracle' Performance incursion (16th August)
Book week (19th August) Be sure to get those costumes ready for our parade!
Sovereign Hill excursion (27th August)
A reminder this event needs permission on Compass for your child to attend.
Hillsmeade Heroes
Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:
5A- Ibrahim & Sulaiman
5B- Alexis & Murtaza
5C- Blake & Nadiah
5D- Arman & Omar
5E- Lucas & Liam
National Tree Planting Day
Student's participated in planting seeds with their buddies, weeding and planting trees in the respect garden.
Students have been enjoying learning about the Olympics in their classes.
Damper Making
As part of our Inquiry unit learning about Indigenous culture and the early settlers, students had the opportunity to make and try damper. We are very excited to be visiting Sovereign Hill in a few weeks to further our understanding of Australia's history.
- A focus of Year 5 is developing speed and fluency with multiplication facts. Students are encouraged to learn their multiplication and division facts to support them with other areas of Mathematics as the year progresses.
- Reading each night is an ongoing expectation. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries or through Epic.
- To support our Inquiry focus this term, students will have weekly tasks to complete focused on a key person in Australian history. A copy of the homework tasks have been provided to students and can be accessed on their Teams class page.