Wellbeing and Mental Health Leader

Trish Lloyd

FREE Term 3 Parenting Programs - Anglicare


When dads spend quality time with their kids, whether it's through play or shared activities, it significantly enhances their children's growth, development and social-emotional skills. 


It's important to note that a father's influence isn't about being more important than a mother's, but rather providing a unique and essential contribution as part of a team.


Fathers have a distinctive impact on their children's cognitive development, social skills, mental health and academic achievements. 

Quick Facts


1. When fathers use more words with their children during play, children have more advanced language skills a year later. This is especially important because language skills are correlated with academic success.


2. Children with supportive and sensitive fathers during early childhood have better language development outcomes.


3. Children who have fathers with consistently high, warm parenting styles have fewer emotional and behavioural problems later on. 


To read more please click on the following link


Dad joke of the week

I'm currently reading a book on DIY house construction....

by Bill Jerome Holmes



Join us next Thursday for an online Dads Group session


Join us next Thursday for our online Dads Group session for this month where we will be discussing fostering open conversations with your children.


Register Now





Podcast: Parental involvement in early childhood


Just released - We speak with Prof Karen Thorpe and Dr Laetitia Coles about the importance of positive parental involvement in the early years. 



Listen Now




Run the Working Families Program at your workplace


The Working Families program offers a solution to workplaces to help them better support and work with their staff who have families to positively influence wellbeing and work-home balance. Speak to your workplace today about getting involved. 



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Tuning in to Kids Parenting Program-Uniting